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Showing posts with the label tuition

Jean Charest: Pot calling the kettle

I don't usually write -- or care -- about Quebec politics but it's becoming alarmingly clear that the situation is turning into a powder keg. So far, more people have been rounded up and arrested than during the FLQ crisis. Police are using "draconian" methods to detain innocent Montrealers, something called kettling. And the government is about to pass a law which restricts lawful assembly. My inner Neil Young is saying: Shiiiit. Word: Neil -- time for another song? But there is good news. You can probably get really good tickets to the Montreal International Jazz Festival or Just for Laughs. So that's something. Unless unionized musicians refuse to cross a picket line. Well, Just for Laughs will still go on. Everybody knows that comics are ruthless, self-centred pricks. The crazy part of all of this is that the Charest government is frantically trying to salvage what's left of its reputation because it's worried about what the protests ...