“Dogs are blameless, devoid of calculation, neither blessed nor cursed with human motives. They can't really be held responsible for what they do. But we can." -- Jon Katz Early Thursday morning, my old pal Rick was awakened by his terrified wife who had found their eight year old dog whimpering, and pooping all over the floor. LuLu hadn't been sick at all, so the couple were shocked as they watched the light fade from LuLu, an eighty pound Lab mix. The pair loaded LuLu into the car for the short journey to doggie emergency but there was nothing they could do for her. LuLu took her last breath in the arms of Jarmila and Rick, leaving them devastated. On Friday, Rick put out a plea on Facebook. "Does anyone know where we can find a puppy?" Immediately, I thought of Pearl, my beloved Mini Aussie Shepherd who is just two years old. She is one of three in our pack, and she has spent nearly a year partly sequestered after she and Sophie the Pug be...
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