Jerry Yanover was sipping on a vodka, the ever-present Chesire cat grin becoming even bigger, if that was even possible. He had done it. Outsmarted Joe Clark's fledgling government over John Crosbie's budget. He and Allan J. MacEachen managed to bring down the Tory government at the Liberal Christmas Party. That's one of my best Parliament Hill memories. No one could believe the Liberals. What a crafty bunch. That was 1979, and one of the best Christmas parties the Liberal ever threw. There were many others, of course, with lavish dinners, free flowing booze, more than the odd hookup. If only Room 200 could talk. I have fond memories of the holiday parties during my decade working as a journalist, then a Liberal flak, on Parliament Hill. Like the time I got to sit at the head table of the Liberal Party Christmas party right beside his highness, Pierre Trudeau. The little man made small talk and ate nearly an entire croc en bouche himself. There was hardly...
More than a million served!