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Showing posts with the label drive-in movies

When the Pandemic Gives You Potatoes, Set up a Chip Truck

Embed from Getty Images I was talking to my friend Doug Backus, a farmer in Lincoln, Ontario, about some kind of joint venture to take us and our families through our dotage. Right now, Doug grows peaches, pears and grapes on his farm which has been in the family for two centuries. His farm is pretty big by Niagara standards but it's getting harder and harder to make a living to support his extended family which includes his parents Dorothy and Bill, his wife Theresa, assorted kids who live on the spread in various lodgings, and a slew of granddaughters whom he's raising. Last summer, I was trying to convince Doug to start an artist colony where poor folks like me could live and do our arts and crafts, while trying to eek out a living on an Old Age Pension which amounts to a car payment for some of my rich friends. My thinking was we could put ourselves up in trailers, help out on the farm if we are able, and sell our wares to an unsuspecting public. Doug is up for a l...