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Showing posts with the label addictions

Mental Ilness: Poor folks keep it in the family

I had the television on mute yesterday because, mostly, I watch CTV and I couldn't take another minute of Bell "Let's Talk Day". It's not because taking mental illness "out of the shadows" is a bad cause or anything. And I'm happy that Bell raised millions of bucks to fund new projects and programs. Though, couldn't Bell have done the same thing if it just donated the millions it spent on commercials advertising their phone services? Sorry, it's just the cynic in me. I can't afford a Bell smartphone, so I suppose my texts didn't count. Did you notice, all the people who were on the television seemed to be handpicked from the J. Crew catalogue? Not a one of them had a knockoff handbag and cheap shoes. Also I didn't see one black person. Just earnest white breads with straight white teeth and highlights. And don't forget the celebrities and elite athletes lining up to talk to Ben Mulroney -- another luckless individu...