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Showing posts with the label viggo kanstrup

Viggo Kanstrup's Wonderful World

About two years ago, the doctors told Viggo Kanstrup he had inoperable liver cancer, and had a few months to live, tops. Viggo took it in stride. He'd been ill for a while, felled by a stroke, and then pneumonia while living in B.C. He was eeking out his days in a hotel, like some sort of Steinbeck character, playing a few jazz gigs, and spending his days in the library. Viggo had no expectation of forgiveness from his family. He had been involved in a couple of scandals over the years, and simply expected to "fade away," as he told me later. But the trajectory of his senior life changed, suddenly, when his son Erik arrived to scoop him up and bring him back to Ottawa. All had been forgiven, and he was welcomed home by his kids and second wife, Francoise, who adopted him like a stray pup. Like a lot of musicians I've known, Viggo took the "papa was a rolling stone" lyrics to heart. But now in his sunset, he was planted, and loving it. Viggo was...