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Showing posts with the label morning talk shows

I hate Gayle King and don't care who knows it

One of my resolutions for 2012 is to be less envious of other people. It is the worst sin of the seven deadlies and I commit it all the time. I find myself making fun of Ben Mulroney or Kim Kardashian for being no talent losers. I wonder what dirt Joy Behar and Elizabeth Hasselbeck have on Barbara Walters. I ridicule Lisa Laflamme's nipple jacket. Sometimes, I'm ashamed of myself. It is my worst fault and I was vowing to make a change this year. Be a nicer, sweeter, more gracious individual. Congratulate people on their good fortune. But I just can't get past Gayle King. I despise Gayle King. She is smarmy and entitled. She is overly familiar with celebrities. She thinks her poop doesn't stink just because she's Oprah's BFF. I have tried in recent times to isolate Gayle as an image in my mind, to ask myself am I just jealous because I want to be Oprah's friend? Is it possible for me to only judge her based on herself? If so, would I like...