I, for one, can't wait to go down to my neighborhood museum to see what all the fuss is about. In case you who haven't heard, the Museum of Science and Technology is playing host to an exhibit called, wait for it, Sex: A Tell All Exhibit. Goodie, goodie, gumdrops! There hasn't been this amount of indignation in Ottawa since Statistics Canada had to take down a sculpture of a woman's vulva which graced its entrance back in the 1970s. Oh yeah, there was also a meat dress -- I think Lady Gaga bought it -- which made Ottawans squirm a decade or so ago, as well. I hate museums, generally. I find looking at artifacts and mummy cases boring. And don't get me started on the National Gallery, with its toney displays of spiders, ancient art and boobies. Meh. But this new exhibit is different. It's an interactive display of how and why people exchange bodily fluids, and it's aimed at kids! One kiosk asks your twelve-year-old to identify and touch! the erogen...
More than a million served!