word is also used for someone who moves around in his or her own
country to follow work such as the seasonal harvesting of crops (a
migrant worker).

words include emigrant, emigre, expatriate,
itinerant, and displaced person! They all have similar
definitions but slightly different connotations—that is, they evoke
different ideas or feelings. For example, I think nomad sounds
exotic and perhaps historical, whereas itinerant just sounds
kind of homeless and sad.
now I'm confused!
simple. People sometimes leave their country, or their native region
of their country, in order to find work. They are often called
migrants or migrant
workers. And no matter why people become migrants—whether they
had to move because of lack of opportunity or natural disaster or war
or disease—they are human beings just like you and me, and they
should be treated as such.
that's what this United Nations day is all about.
can recognize the contributions migrants make to their home and host
countries, and of course we should respect their human rights! Do you
know about any migrants in your nation or region?
Although these resources were developed for students in Scotland, some would be useful to any English-speaking person. For example, try the one labeled “British Red Cross—Needs and wants auction.”
- Animals migrate to breed or to avoid harsh weather or to follow their food. Learn about animal migration at Brain Pop Junior.
- This video about migration from Mexico to the U.S. is a couple of decades (or so) out of date, but still interesting and relevant to understanding today's issues.
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