Showing posts with label first woman senator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first woman senator. Show all posts

November 21 – First Woman in U.S. Senate!

Posted on November 21, 2015

Hattie Caraway
A few years ago, I featured “the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate,” Hattie Caraway, who became “the first” in 1932.

Today's historical anniversary is the first woman in the U.S. Senate, Rebecca Latimer Felton, who became “the first” in 1922.

Are you confused?

Or did you notice that I specifically said “elected to the U.S. Senate” for Caraway, and just “in the U.S. Senate” for Felton?

Rebecca Latimer
You see, Felton never ran for election and was never chosen by voters. Instead, she was appointed by the then-Governor Hardwick of Georgia to fill a seat when one of Georgia's two senators suddenly and unexpectedly died.

Governor Hardwick might have meant to reward Felton for all her hard work in politics and on important issues...Or he might just have chosen Felton figuring that (1) she wouldn't run against him when the election for that senate seat occurred, and (2) many women would want to vote for him since he had honored a woman with the appointment.

If the Hardwick appointed Felton mostly to secure the senate seat for himself, it didn't work—he was defeated in the 1922 election and in the 1924 election.

However, Hardwick did end up with a piece of history – according to Wikipedia, “one of Hardwick's most notable actions as governor of Georgia” was appointing Felton to the temporary senate seat! 

Actually, this was one of those “in-name only” things that was more about honor than a true chance to make laws, because Felton only served in the U.S. Senate for one day. When Felton was appointed to the temporary seat, on October 3, 1922, Congress wasn't in session. Soon the special election to permanently fill the seat was held, and a man named Walter George was elected.

When the Senate reconvened on this date in 1922, George didn't insist on taking the oath and the seat. Instead, he bowed to the campaign by the women of Georgia to allow Felton to be sworn in and to serve – for that one day! The next day, George was sworn in.

Okay, only a senator for a day, but...

...It turns out, Rebecca Latimer Felton was pretty rad in some ways but really, really bad in other ways! She was a writer, lecturer, and reformer as well as a politician. She ran her husband's campaigns for seats in the U.S. and Georgia Houses of Representatives. She spoke about and worked for prison reform, women's rights, and modernizing education. She worked toward women getting the vote and for equal pay for equal work.

And that's all great and wonderful. But...

Felton was terribly, terribly racist. She owned slaves before the Civil War, and she believed that white people are better than black people! (Gulp! Obviously, she was wrong!) And here's the worst bit: she spoke out in favor of lynching black people! Yike-es-s!

Notice that this historical plaque makes no mention
of Felton's troubling racial views!
I imagine that Felton's level of racism was not unusual in white Georgians in the early 20th Century, but knowing that doesn't make my skin crawl any less when I read what Felton believed and said and did. However, we can perhaps focus on the good things she said and believed...

Like this quote:

Also on this date:

Alascattalo Day in Alaska

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January 12, 2010 - First Woman Elected to U.S. Senate

 – 1932

On this day in 1932, Hattie Caraway became the first elected woman senator, representing the state of Arkansas.

Caraway first took office in the then-traditional way—that is, she was appointed by the Arkansas governor to temporarily fill in when her husband died. In that way, she became a senator on December 9, 1931. The st
ate of Arkansas held a special election to fill the vacant senatorial spot the remaining months of the term, and she easily won, thus becoming the first woman actually ELECTED to such a high office.

way had pretty much avoided the political and social scene at the capital while her husband was alive, and she had not been part of the woman's suffrage movement. She said that "after equal suffrage I just added voting to cooking and sewing and other household duties."Because of these things, after her term as senator ended, everybody expected her to step aside. However, she surprised Arkansas politicians, especially all those already vying for the senatorial seat, by announcing that she was running for re-election. She didn't announce it in some private Democratic Party meeting, nor in a press conference—she announced it while she presided over the Senate (at the Vice President's invitation). Caraway said, "The time has passed when a woman should be placed in a position and kept there only while someone else is being groomed for the job."

She won the primary
and general election, and six years later won another term as senator.

Although Caraway's success did a lot to promote a greater public role for women, Caraway joined other southern senators in prejudice in racial matters; one of the few of Franklin Roosevelt's bills that she did NOT support was an anti-lynching bill.

World Wide Women

The U.S.
has not yet elected a woman president, but many other countries have had female heads of government, including:

Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chile, Croatia, Dominica, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Guyana, Haiti, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Liberia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Moldova, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Transkie, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (Great Britain), and Yugoslavia.

Whew! That's a fair few countries who have had women presidents and prime ministers! And of course lists like this exclude queens, empresses, and female pharaohs; some of these rulers have been just figureheads, but many have been extremely powerful!

Here are some of the most famous women who headed their governments—this time INCLUDING monarchs. Match the name to the country:

1.Indira Gandhi
2.Margaret Thatcher

3.Isabel Martinez de Peron (Evita)

4.Angela Merkel

5.Golda Meir

6.Elizabeth I


8.Catherine the Great

A. Argentina
B. Egypt

C. England

D. Germany

E. India

F. Israel

G. Russia

H. United Kingdom

ANSWERS: 1.E 2.H 3.A 4.D 5.F 6.C 7.B 8.G

Also on this day...

Happy Birthday, Jack London

This American author wrote The Call of the Wild, The Sea Wolf, and White Fang. Although he was one of the first Americans to make a good living just from writing, he was also, according to Science Gnus, an “oyster pirate, deep-sea sailor, hobo, and Alaskan [gold] prospector...”

Check out some of London's work here...

"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.

I shall use my time."

...and on the web.

(The section called “Writings” has tons of short stories and novels available for free.)