Showing posts with label portmanteau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portmanteau. Show all posts

April 26 - Union Day in Tanzania

Posted on April 26, 2020

April 26, 1964:

Tanganyika and the People's Republic of Zanzibar unite to form Tanzania.

Notice that the new nation's name is a portmanteau of the two older names. The only other nation that could brag about having a portmanteau for a name doesn't exist any more - as a matter of fact, it never WAS a nation, just a "loose confederation" of Senegal and The Gambia - called Senegambia.

There are some other geographical portmanteaus in the world. The towns of Templeton and Larvik, in North Dakota, merged to form Temvik. And Ontario, Canada, is full of towns with portmanteaus for names. A lot of portmanteaus use the first bit from each name, like Kenora, Ontario (which formed with the merger of Keewatin, Norman, and Rat Portage - ooh, that last name! yikes!), but most use a first bit from one name and a last bit from another, like Clarington, Ontario (which formed from the merger of Clarke and Darlington).

Near me are two towns on the border between California and Mexico. One is name Calexico (on the US side), and the other is Mexicali (on the Mexico side).

Portmanteaus are more common as words or slang than as geographical names. They can also be nauseatingly used to link together two names of a romantic couple.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie broke up - although not
because of the ridiculous Brangelina couple nickname -
and maybe it's time to stop doing couple nickname
portmanteaus altogether?
That's so meta!

Check out this earlier post for a comparison of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

June 19, 2010

Juneteenth—United States

Juneteenth is sometimes called Freedom Day or Emancipation Day. This holiday honors African American heritage, and it commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas on June 19, 1865. It is celebrated by more than just Texas—36 states call it a state holiday.

By the way, the term Juneteenth is an example of a portmanteau, which is a combination of two words, in this case June and nineteenth, to create a new word.

The words brunch and smog are two more examples of portmanteaus. Do you know what words they combine?

ANSWER: Brunch is a combination of the words breakfast and lunch. Smog is a mash-up of smoke and fog.


Happy Birthday, Lou Gehrig

Born on this day in 1903, in New York City, Gehrig was an awkward athlete as a youth. However, he worked hard and constantly practiced baseball—and he became a star! From 1925 to 1939, Gehrig played in every single Yankee game, which was a record 2,130 games in a row.

Unfortunately, Gehrig came down with a rare disease that forced him to retire and that took his life just two years later. That disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called ALS—and sometimes called Lou Gehrig's disease. The best known living ALS patient is the famous physicist Stephen Hawking.

I am busy making every day special by taking a trip through California, Oregon, and Washington.

The daily posts will be minimal during my trip. Happy summer to everyone in the Northern Hemisphere!