Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

September 3 - Happy Birthday, Jaggi Vasudev

Posted on September 3, 2019

Today's famous birthday is an Indian yogi, speaker, and author who started a non-profit organization that not only offers Yoga programs around the world, but also is involved in important issues. Education and environment and health and economic issues are all important to Jaggi Vasudev.

Vasudev, who was born on this date in 1957, is often referred to as Sadhguru. He has been invited to speak at esteemed universities like Harvard, Yale, and Oxford; he has given a TED talk; he has spoken at Microsoft and Google; he has participated in global and economic forums, and he has won awards from the Indian government.

Enjoy some wisdom, Sadhguru style:

We can all get behind Sadhguru's sentiments about the environment:

May 6 - World Laughter Day

(First Sunday in May)
Posted on May 6, 2018

Did you know that smiling makes you happier?

Actually, maybe, maybe not!

Some scientists have offered a hypothesis that there is a feedback loop between emotions and the facial muscles that are involved in showing emotions. In other words, they think that smiling itself can cause happy and positive thoughts, even though the causation usually goes the other direction, with happy thoughts causing smiles.

The problem is, it's been tough to test this hypothesis! Some experiments with botox seem to show that negative emotions may be lessened when facial muscles cannot frown. These findings may indicate that the feedback loop exists, and that  smiling may cause happier feelings. 

However, hypotheses must be tested, and experimental testing must be repeated and examined and reviewed. In the case of this particular hypothesis, the methods used in some experiments have been questioned, and when some experiments were replicated (that is, repeated with different experimenters and subjects), the results didn't agree with the original data.

So...this hypothesis remains very much a big question mark.

Despite the fact that we are not sure about the hypothesis,
some people present it as if it is true...

However, a family doctor in India was impressed by the possibility of such a connection, and he started a worldwide Laughter Yoga movement. Dr. Madan Kataria decided to promote his Laughter movement with World Laughter Day, which was first celebrated in Mumbai, India, in 1998.

Whether or not smiling can cause positive emotions, humor and laughter and true, sincere smiling definitely do have a positive effect on individual health and on the well-being of a society. Dr. Kataria says that laughter can change the world in a peaceful way!

In an effort to bring more laughter to the world, I give you...

* You have probably seen funny cat videos. What about birds? They can be funny, too! 

* Penguins are so cute that they often seem funny.

* Speaking of funny birds, what about rubber ducks?

Also on this date:

(First Sunday in May)

December 14 – Yoga Day

Posted on December 14, 2016

Some people celebrate today as Yoga Day because it is the birthday of a man called “the father of modern yoga,” B.K.S. Iyengar.

Iyengar is credited with popularizing yoga in India and, later, around the world!

Iyengar had a rough start to his life. When he was born, in a region that was then the Kingdom of Mysore – but is now a part of India, his town had been hit by an influenza pandemic. He caught the disease – just a newborn! The disease left him a sickly baby and child. He suffered from diseases and malnutrition as a kid – malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, etc.

Also, when Iyengar was just 9 years old, his father died of appendicitis.

A yogi who happened to his brother-in-law invited the 15-year-old Iyengar to learn yoga, which is a way of moving and breathing, but most of all a way of focusing attention and energy, in order to improve health.

That invitation changed Iyengar's life!

By age 18 Iyengar was teaching yoga. And eventually he taught some well-known people (including actors, novelists, and queens). When he taught the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin, and Menuhin decided that practicing yoga improved his performance ability, suddenly the world opened up to Iyengar.

There are lots of yoga resources online. Here's one! 

After having such a sickly babyhood and childhood,
Iyengar ended up living a really long, full life!

Also on this date:

Anniversary of the first humans to reach South Pole

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