Showing posts with label commercials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commercials. Show all posts

August 28 – Radio Commercials Day

Posted on August 28, 2016

I know, I know – commercials and ads are a bother you just have to endure to get to music or programs...or maybe that you just have to avoid by changing channels.

But...if you think about it...advertising is an industry that can let us know what's out there AND that provides jobs to a lot of writers, producers, actors, and so on.

Today is the day to consider the positive side of radio commercials. Here are my top 3 favorites:

I love Honda's Random Acts of Helpfulness ads on the radio. This seems to be a Southern California thing. The Honda people give real people real, practical help, and we get to hear about it! Often the people answering the phone are getting help for one of their friends and relatives, instead of for themselves. I cannot help be touched by how relatively simple or not-all-that expensive some of the acts of helpfulness are, and yet how grateful people are.

(The website I linked to has videos, not radio ads, but I assure you that, here in SoCal, there are many Honda radio know, on the radio!) 

I don't personally EVER drink beer, but I love the Dos Equis “The Most Interesting Man in the World” radio ads. 

The Most Interesting Man in the World became a famous oft-used meme.
Messages usually try to be funny in the form of, "I don't always ____,
but when I do, ____."

Again, my last favorite is local, only available on the particular radio station I listen to, KROQ. But there might be similar ads that you can relate to and enjoy in your area. I'm talking about the ads for Mercedes Benz cars voiced by DJ Kat Corbett. These ads seem pretty sincere and informative and appealing...and even though I know that they are paid-for advertising, I still FEEL the sincerity and appeal.

(Part of it is surely that I just really like Kat's voice. I mean, her voice is a big reason she is a DJ...)

Here is a website with samples of some other effective radio ads. What do YOU like to hear?

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