Showing posts with label endangered species. Show all posts
Showing posts with label endangered species. Show all posts

October 4 - World Animal Day

 Posted on October 4, 2021

This is an update of my post published on October 4, 2010:

This worldwide holiday, which began in 1931, celebrates animals and their relationship to humanity. It started as a way of bringing attention to the plight of endangered species, but it has come to encompass all sorts of events and celebrations—from vaccinating dogs to holding animal art competitions to collecting fur coats for use as blankets at animal shelters!

Click the World Animal Day website to find out what's happening in your area.

This is a day to...

...pamper your pets. By which I don't mean buying your dog a ballgown or a diamond collar!

Instead, I'm talking about taking the time for a cuddly grooming session with all the stuff your pet actually enjoys (brushing?), or a great play session, or washing their bedding and their water bowl and making everything fresh and nice.

...spay or neuter your pet, or update its vaccinations. 

...learn more about endangered animals, perhaps using these World Wildlife Fund "toolkits."

...adopt a stray cat or dog.

...”adopt” an animal cause

...take action to help the environment
We humans cause a lot of problems for the environment, what with pollution, climate change, loss of forest, and so forth. But we are also able to escape some of the problems we cause. We build indoor spaces with filtered air and water and air conditioning, for example, and stay more comfortable in an increasingly uncomfortable Earth.
But animals can't as easily escape pollution and warming and also can't always cope with loss of habitat. Not just individual animals suffer and die—whole entire species suffer and go extinct.
Any time you help the environment, you help animals.


Also on this date:

September 1 - Passenger Pigeons - Extinct!

 Posted on September 1, 2021

This is an update of my post published on September 1, 2010:

Martha, a passenger pigeon, died on this day in 1914. She was thought to be the last passenger pigeon in the world, and when she died in a Cincinnati zoo, people sadly declared the species extinct. No passenger pigeon has been seen anywhere in the world since.

This species was hunted to extinction, although of course there were population reductions due to loss of habitat, as well. These birds traveled and nested in huge flocks, sometimes more than two billion birds in a flock! As flocks flew by, they sometimes stretched a mile wide and 300 miles long across the sky, taking several hours to pass. These huge numbers made the passenger pigeon one of the most common birds in the world in the nineteenth century.

When Audubon was making his famous
studies and illustrations of birds, there were
LOTS of passenger pigeons about.

And it became extinct in the early years of the twentieth century!

It's sad to read that super unfair and inhumane hunting methods were used to kill these birds, and that as late as 1896, hunters killed the final flock of 250,000 passenger pigeons—even though everyone knew that it was the last large flock! Apparently in one place in Michigan alone, 50,000 birds were killed per day throughout a hunting season that lasted almost five months. Dead birds—used for meat—were shipped by the boxcar-full to Eastern cities.

During the last two decades of this species' existence, conservationists tried to breed passenger pigeons in captivity. However, the birds were used to living and breeding in huge groups, and in small flocks, birds did not mate successfully nor live long. The only silver lining to this sad story is that people became aware of human impact on species and of the possibility of extinction because of overhunting. New laws and practices arose because of this extinction, and surely some creatures still live today because of that new interest in conservation.

Also on this date:

Self-University Week Begins