England, it's called a spanner.
a physics teacher, it's a kind of lever.
the U.S., it's called a wrench.
the name, the first of these tools was patented on this date in 1835
by a man named Solymon Merrick.
are used to tighten or loosen bolts, nuts, or anything that needs to
turn. Many wrenches are made to fit specific sizes of nuts and bolts,
and other wrenches are made with mouths that can be tightened or
loosened to fit various sizes of objects.
wrench is able to apply a lot more turning force on the mouth end
with a relatively small amount of force on the handle end. That is
the key to the power of levers—with a strong enough material and a
long enough lever, you can multiply force hugely and move even heavy
things. As a matter of fact, Archimedes is supposed to have said of
the power of levers, “Give me the
place to stand, and I shall move the whole world."
inventors improved on the original design, soon inventing the monkey
wrench, pipe wrench, and ratchet wrench. (The monkey wrench got its
name because Charles Moncky invented it.)
of pipe wrenches...
on this date: