Showing posts with label Santa Isabel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa Isabel. Show all posts

November 17 – Malabo Festival

Posted on November 17, 2014

Malabo Cathedral
Today is the annual celebration of Malabo's patron saint, Santa Isabel.

So where is Malabo?

It's in Equatorial Guinea. As a matter of fact, Malabo is the capital city of Equatorial Guinea.

You may still be lost, so here is map that shows this small African nation, which is on the equator and in and alongside the Gulf of Guinea (hence the name Equatorial Guinea).

Notice that there are two main regions in the nation: an island, on which the capital city of Malabo is located, and a small chunk of the mainland, on which the largest city of the nation (Bata) is located.

Equatorial Guinea used to be a Spanish colony.

I was so pleased to read that, thanks to oil production, Equatorial Guinea is the richest country per capita (that is, per person) in all of Africa. But then I had to go and read further: it turns out that this oil wealth has found its way into very few hands, and many of the people live in bad conditions. For example, less than half of the people have access to clean water, and about one-fifth of all children die before they are 5 years old! Also, the country suffers from an authoritarian government, which has a horrible human-rights record!


But there are some interesting or beautiful sights to be seen there:

  • Freedom Tower in Bata

  • Monte Alen National Park

  • Beaches of Corsico

  • Albino gorilla

Also on this date:

Mathematician A. F. Mobius's birthday

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