Showing posts with label Join Hands Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Join Hands Day. Show all posts

May 2 - First Saturday in May!

Posted on May 2, 2020

The first weekend in May is special, because May is the month when spring is in full flower and folks start thinking about summer.

So it makes sense that there are a whole lot of special days and celebrations and holidays listed for "the first Saturday of May."

Of course, celebrating in 2020 - while staying at home and staying safe - can be tricky...but whatever we cannot do alone, or at home, we can do or at least learn about online!

Here are a few "first Saturday in May" holidays:

Free Comic Book Day - Diamond Comic Distributors has canceled 2020's give-away day because of COVID-19 - or at least postponed it until September. But maybe you'd like to check out this article about why comic books may be good for us...

Herb Day - This special day normally includes special events at shops that sell herbal products - and those events are canceled in 2020 because of COVID-19. However, growing herbs; enjoying herbs in salads and stews and soups; using herbs in homemade lotions and potions, sachets or other aromatherapy items - all of that is still doable at home. If you don't have access to herbs today, you can do some research for what you want to grow or buy, eventually, and enjoy some other day... Here is a resource you might like.

Ummm...not this year!
Join Hands Day - One thing we generally cannot do, right now, is join hands (don't even touch things that others' hands have touched! - and don't be close enough so that joining hands is even a physical possibility!). However, this day is not really about touching and hands - it's about volunteering. And there are ways to help one another and volunteer, even while social distancing:
This article has a lot of ideas for online
volunteering or other at-a-distance ways
to give...

  • Sew masks to be given away
  • Read picture books on video and send links to your video to your youngest friends and relatives
  • Donate to local organizations that are helping folks in need
  • Send cards and letters of appreciation to medical personnel and first responders, grocery workers and delivery people
  • Buy takeout and/or gift certificates from little mom-and-pop shops and restaurants who need help to stay in business
  • Write and illustrate letters to little kids who don't understand why they can't play at the playground or at their friends' houses...Maybe those letters can be from a fairy or dragon or other imaginary friend?

Learn to Ride a Bike Day - This may or may not be something you can do at home! But be careful - it's not a great time to go to the E.R. with an injury!

National Fitness Day - Many of us have a lot of extra time and are using it to get more fit. Sit-ups, push-ups, and jumping jacks are familiar exercises - but consider taking freebie zoom dance classes (a friend told me that there have never been so many free classes as now), or zoom yoga or martial arts or aerobics or or or...

Start Seeing Monarchs Day - Monarch butterflies famously migrate thousands of miles every fall and spring. We can look out our windows and watch for these orange fliers, for sure - and those of us with our own porches or balconies or yards can go outside and watch for monarchs. If you want to participate in monarch research, check out this website.