– 1986
my life I have heard of volcanoes erupting...but I didn't know that
lakes could erupt!
Nyos, in the African nation of Cameroon, is a crater lake that lies
on the side of an inactive volcano. It is saturated with carbon
dioxide, which seeps up from a magma chamber below the lake. Usually
the carbon dioxide stays dissolved in the bottom layers of the lake
water, but over time the water becomes supersaturated.
the lake is supersaturated with CO2, and an earthquake or landslide
occurs, a lot of the carbon dioxide can suddenly come out of solution
and erupt from the lake, overflowing the water's edge and pouring
down valleys, suffocating animals and people.

aren't even sure what triggered the eruption of Lake Nyos. It may
have been a landslide, a small earthquake, or even a small volcanic
eruption on the bed of the lake. However, witnesses did not feel any
tremors on the morning of the disaster.
triggered the limnic eruption, the normally blue waters of the lake
turned deep red (because iron-rich water from the deep rose to the
surface and were oxidized by the air), the level of the lake dropped
by about one meter (3 feet), and trees near the lake were knocked
are trying to prevent another such disaster by degassing the lake.
Some French scientists have installed degassing columns; they pump
water from the bottom of the lake until the loss of pressure begins
to release the gas and makes the process self-powered.
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