Showing posts with label Mauritania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mauritania. Show all posts

August 14 - Oued Ed-Dehab Day in Morocco

Posted on August 14, 2019

This is another of those confusing patriotic holidays that concerns disputed territory.

There is a region of northern Africa called Oued Ed-Dahab. It was seized and controlled by Spain in the late 1800s, along with other nearby lands; this Spanish colony was called Western Sahara or Spanish Sahara.

In the late 1900s, pressure mounted on Spain to relinquish control of that land. Other European nations were granting independence to their colonies in Africa and around the world, both Morocco and Mauritania were agitating for the region to be "given back" to them, and the people living in the region demanded self-rule. By 1975, the Spanish government had promised the people that they would be able to vote on independence. Such a vote is called a referendum

However, notice all the competing demands: Morocco said that Western Sahara belonged to it (and staged a peaceful mass demonstration called the Green March to further make the point), Mauritania said that the Western Sahara region belonged to it, and many people living in the region - backed by the power of the neighboring nation of Algeria - said that they should be a fully independent nation.

Moroccans on the Green March
At that time, the United Nations tried to settle the three-way dispute. Spain signed off on the whole thing and left the region (digging up remains of Spanish people buried there, and taking them back to Spain for reburial!!), but the various parties could not agree on who got to vote in the referendum, and instead of a peaceful transition to self-rule, there was war!

Mauritania ended its claims once its capital city was bombed, so with Spain and Mauritania "out," there are basically only two parties left claiming this region: Morocco and a government that declared itself the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. Most of the world doesn't recognize Morocco's claims to the region but ALSO doesn't recognize the Sahrawi Republic. 

Morocco eventually gained control over most (about four fifths, including most of the coastline) of this disputed territory, building a sand wall or berm between the area they control and the small region still controlled by the SADR. 

Since 1991, the U.N.-led ceasefire has held, but the dispute has still not been resolved!

Remember, I started this whole thing by saying that today's holiday has to do with a territorial dispute. Well, on this date in 1979, because Mauritania had signed a peace treaty with the Sahrawi and had withdrawn its own troops, Moroccan forces swooped into the territory, repeated their own claim to the land, and became the de facto ruler of the region.

The way the holiday is described by some Moroccans is that Oued Ed-Dehab Day commemorates the return of the southernmost Moroccan province to the homeland. But of course the SADR would describe the events of August 14, 1979, very differently!

Here are some of the different ways that Western Sahara appears on maps:

And here are a few pictures pertaining to the disputed territory:
The flag of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

You can see from the people in the photo that the
Moroccan "Wall" isn't very tall.
There aren't all that many valuable resources in the
disputed land, but unspoiled, undeveloped coastline
is valuable for tourism. Of course, not that many tourists
go to a disputed territory that was recently a war zone!

November 6 – Green March Day in Morocco

Posted on November 6, 2017

Today is the anniversary of what some call the largest, longest, and most peaceful protest march in history!

The place: Morocco.

The time: November 6, 1975.

The issue: Ownership of a bit of land called Western Sahara (or Spanish Sahara, because Spain then occupied the region).

The Moroccan king announced the march, asking his people to go to the disputed territory to "liberate" it.

About 350,000 people responded to the king's request, amassing on the border and then walking several kilometers into Spanish Sahara, escorted by 20,000 Moroccan troops. 

I read that the marchers carried green flags that symbolized that they stood for peace. But every photo I've seen shows a sea of red flags (the Moroccan flag is mostly red).

Even though the march itself was almost entirely peaceful, and even though the goal was reached when, less than two weeks after the march began, Spain signed an agreement to transfer administration of the region to Morocco - still, the peaceful march and the withdrawal of Spain led to a looooong war between Morocco, nearby Mauritania, and the Sahrawi people who lived in the Western Sahara region. The war lasted more than a decade, and some estimate that 10 to 20 thousand people died in the war!

Western Sahara is still disputed territory, even though a ceasefire has been in place since 1991. Since the ceasefire, Morocco has been ruling two-thirds of the disputed land, apparently backed by France and the U.S., and the rest of the territory has been ruled by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, which is backed by Algeria.

Despite the messy complexities of the actual history, Moroccans proudly celebrate the Green March every year. 

Here are some of the amazing beauties and wonders of Western Sahara: 

And here are some of interesting sights you might see once you get to the gateway to Western Sahara:

Also on this date:

Constitution Day in the Dominican Republic 

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November 28, 2011 - National Holidays All Over the Place!

Most nations celebrate one or more patriotic holidays such as “Independence Day,” “Flag Day,” “Constitution Day,” or “Republic Day.” Today is a patriotic holiday for five different nations. See if you can match up each country below with its location and celebration:

1) Albania
2) Burundi
3) Chad
4) Mauritania
5) Panama

a) the narrow, curvy bit of land that joins North America to South America
b) a landlocked nation in the center of Northern Africa
c) in southeastern Europe, near Greece
d) on the coast of Western Africa
e) a tiny landlocked nation in the southeastern portion of Africa

F) declaration of independence from Ottoman rule in 1912
G) independence from France 1960
H) Republic Day—independent from German and Belgian rule
I) independence from Spain in 1821
J) Republic Day—although this nation is considered a “failed state” because of its extreme corruption

a building in Albania

Lake Tanganyika touches Burundi



a lake in Chad
a mosque in Mauritania


a beach in Panama

1) c, F
2) e, H
3) b, J
4) d, G
5) a, I