Showing posts with label signals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signals. Show all posts

December 10 – Anniversary of the First Traffic Lights

Posted on December 10, 2013

Of course you know that, before there were cars, there were roads. I mean, the Ancient Romans built plenty of roads even though they didn't have Toyota trucks and school buses and convertible sports cars!

But did you know that, before there were cars, there were also traffic lights?

Today is the anniversary of the first traffic lights, which were installed on December 10, 1865, outside the Houses of Parliament in London, England. The lights were meant to control the flow of horses, pedestrians, and horse-drawn buggies.

They worked great! Until they exploded, that is!

Semaphore arms on a
railway signal
The design of the traffic lights was similar to railway signs, with three semaphore arms to communicate by their angle whether to stop or go. For nighttime use, there were red and green gas lanterns. A policeman stood next to the signal and hand-cranked the lanterns so that the appropriate color faced traffic.

Unfortunately, after a little more than a month, the gas lantern exploded and either injured or killed the policeman operating it. It was discovered that there was a leak in the gas line. At any rate, the idea of using traffic lights was abandoned for decades, until electricity was used to create better, safer traffic lights in the early 1900s.

Types of traffic lights and intersections...

With the age of the automobile, and therefore much greater speeds on city and rural roads, more and more inventions and reinventions have been attempted to make us safer.

Roundabouts are common in some places, such as in England, rather than 4-way intersections.

Three-colored traffic lights are most common around the world, with yellow light warning that the light will soon turn red. Did you know that railway 3-colored lights are deliberately in the opposite order, with green lights on top and red lights on the bottom? They are different so that the two lights could not be confused...although I think that, at nighttime, they still could be!

Some traffic lights have countdown timers, often in dial form, to show how much longer the light will stay green or red.

There are distinct traffic signals for public transport in some cities around the world. These signals are used in the Netherlands (top row) and in Belgium, France, and Germany (bottom row). From left to right, the signals mean go straight, turn left, turn right, go any direction (basically a green light), caution (basically a yellow light), stop (basically a red light).

Also on this date:

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September 2 – Bison-Ten-Yell Day

Posted on September 2, 2013

Today's “holiday” is pretty goofball. It's supposed to be the bicentennial birthday of a fictitious person. “The bicentennial birthday” means the 200th birthday—so we would imagine that the birthday boy or girl was born in 1813...but in this case EVERY year is the bicentennial birthday.

It's all one giant (and bad) pun – Bison-Ten-Yell, said just right, sounds a lot like “bicentennial.”

Anyway, since the birthday boy or girl is fictitious, he or she never really existed. In other words, she or he was never actually born. I guess that makes it okay for him or her to have a different birth date every year!

Now, why on earth do we celebrate the bicentennial birthday of a person who never existed? Today is supposed to honor the person who invented ten verbal signals that could be yelled during a war to alert one's soldiers to the battle plan. Ten signals, yelled signals—these are the reasons given for the “Ten-Yell” part of the name. Let's just hope the battles weren't fought against bison! They're really big and scary!

The soldiers had to memorize the meaning of each signal. Obviously, a commander yelling something that everyone could understand wouldn't be very effective—because then the enemy would know the plan, too! So the soldiers on one side would be taught their signals, and the soldiers on the other side would be taught their completely different signals. And everyone hoped that the enemy didn't figure out their playbook.

You know who uses a system like this? Football players. (I'm talking American football here, with helmets and tackling and a bullet-shaped ball.) Have you ever heard a quarterback shouting things like “Blue 32” or “Red 24” just before a play starts? Those are the special signals that each team creates and memorizes and sometimes changes—and that each team hopes the “enemy” doesn't crack!

The yelled signals can be longer than the examples I gave.

How about this one:

Right. Y-Mo. 3, 15 O.P. Naked right arrow F. Pump!”

The meaning of the yells can be complicated. A lot of yells are nonsense, and some of the yells are attempts to throw the other side off, confuse them, trick them. For example, a quarterback will often say, "hut, hut, hut," and he knows that the center will give him the ball on the third "hut." But maybe the quarterback and center agreed to snap the ball on the fifth "hut." The quarterback may still emphasize the third "hut," as if he's doneas if that were the "hike the ball" signal. If someone on the other team is faked out, he may surge forward at least for half a second--and get a penalty!

Some of the yells are real information. A certain color may mean, "We're going to stick with the play we discussed in the huddle." (Sticking with the play discussed in the huddle is most common, by the way.) But another color may mean, "Listen up! We're going to change the plan!" 

After such a signal, a common call is a number that means a particular playsuch as the halfback sweeping left, catching a lateral pass, and running through a hole created by the linebackers. 


If you like football, you may want to play it today or watch it tonight.

Or grab a pen and some paper and devise a signal code for battles, football, or any activity at all!

Also on this date:

Anniversary of the installation of the first ATM

Anniversary of the cancelation of Star Trek

Anniversary of the last day of the Julian calendar

Plan Ahead!

And here are my Pinterest pages on October holidaysOctober birthdays, and historical anniversaries in October.