Showing posts with label phone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phone. Show all posts

March 10 - National Landline Telephone Day

Posted on March 10, 2018

Do you still have a landline?

If you don't know what a "landline" is, you probably don't have one LOL!

You see, way back when, a bajillion years ago (well, okay, just from 1847 to 1973), there were no such things as cell phones or mobile phones. ALL telephones were landlines. You couldn't take your telephone with you. It was basically attached to your house.

Back in the old days, everyone
would understand that this photo
shows a little brother listening
in on a phone call - and, almost for
sure, he is not supposed to be
doing that!!!
And, yes, that meant that everyone in a house shared ONE phone line. I guess there were some rich or brave folks, plus a lot of work-at-home types, who paid for a second line, but almost everybody had one. If your big brother was tying up the line for hours, talking to his buddy or his crush, you might complain, or you might want to listen in on an extension (which was another phone, ALSO tied to the house, that was on the same line), but one thing you couldn't do was just make your own call on that extension. 

It also meant that just anybody could answer the telephone. If your own friend or crush were to call you, it was possible that your parent or sibling would answer - and maybe grill them, or you, or tease them, or you! 

Not to mention the problem of someone answering the landline, finding out the call was for you - and you weren't home. Oh, the horrors of your friend or crush trying to leave a message with your nosy sister or obnoxious uncle!

Most of us didn't grow up having phones in our bedrooms. Our families had one line and maybe two or three telephones - but kids almost always had to talk on the phone in front of the family - in the hall or the kitchen or living room...

Unless we got looooooong cords:

Even the looooooooong cords were never
long enough!

There were a lot of family fights, in some families, over phone calls and forgotten messages and spying on the extensions and will-you-please-get-off-the-phone-my-call-is-so-much-more-important!!!!

You probably know all that, because of movies and TV shows. Right?

Well, it was all true...

Good things about landlines...

Okay, there are some good things about landlines! For example, in an emergency, a neighbor might just want to reach whoever is in the house. And it's so much easier to make one call to say, "Did you know that your sprinkler seems to have become a geyser, and your yard is starting to become a lake?" or "Get out of the house! I've called 9-1-1 because it looks like ____" rather than leaving voicemail messages on three different phone lines and worrying because you don't have the phone numbers of two of the people living there...

Some of this is probably out of date.
I think landlines are even more obsolete
now than three years ago, when this graphic
was made...

My community has "security" gates, and it's better to have the gate-opening powers be attached to the landline than to a particular cell phone line, since more than one person lives in the house!

And those family holiday calls seem more friendly when you are calling "the house," and the phone passes from hand to hand to hand as you wish your uncle well, thank your aunt for the present she sent, and say hi to each cousin before catching up with the cousin that's just about your age.

Also on this date:

Genealogy Day

(Saturday of the first full week of March)

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January 9 - iPhone Makes Its Debut

Posted on January 9, 2018

On this date in 2007, Apple's Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world.

The unveiling occurred at the Macworld convention in San Francisco. 

It was pretty much, "Hey! We just reinvented the cell phone!"

And Jobs was right! Because mobile phones haven't been the same since!

The phone first went on sale in the United States in June of that year - and customers waited in long lines to buy it. People were so excited about the new phone, some reporters called it the Jesus Phone. In November of 2007, the iPhone became available in the UK, France, and Germany. By 2015 it was available in over 130 countries. (There are around 195 countries in the world.)

People agree that the iPhone was revolutionary. These days, the app industry is bigger than Hollywood, and social media, released from the confines of computers, is way more used, way more often, by way more people. Plus, mobile-phone-based services like Uber are huge.

Of course, when one company pushes the technological boundary, other companies are quick to follow. Although iPhones and Apple products are very popular, with about 1 billion active devices worldwide, Android phones and other devices are even more popular; there are about twice as many active Android devices!

Thanks to Apple and to other tech companies, we can now walk around with computers / telephones / cameras / GPS devices in our pockets. We can check e-mail, Google anything, use social media, send messages, take photos and videos, listen to music, find our way to places in our own cities and in foreign countries, practice another language, play games, keep track of appointments and classes, check the weather, take notes, watch TV shows, shop, read newspaper articles, and much more. Oh! And we can make phone calls! 

Little kids will inevitably want to use tablets and phones,
because they see older kids and adults using them.
But...supervision of internet and app use is a very good thing!

July 15 – Happy Birthday, Twitter!

Posted on July 15, 2016

When I look for things to write about here, I usually see long, depressing lists of wars, battles, coups, massacres, and other sorts of violence that happened on the date I'm writing about. Scattered among all that depressing stuff, here and there, are inventions.

I tend to focus on the positive, so: inventions! Innovations! Creativity!

On this date in 2006, Twitter was introduced to the public for the first time.

When Twitter was being created as a way for people to send and read short messages to one another, it wasn't clear how people were going to use it. Most called it a social network, like Facebook, because people could follow friends and family, and vice versa; people could also follow stars (probably NOT vice versa!). But actually it quickly evolved to be more of an information network.

At a 2007 conference, Twitter people placed 60-inch screens in the conference hallways and streamed Twitter messages. Because of this, speakers and panelists mentioned Twitter, and conference-goers realized that they could keep tabs on each other via tweets. The number of tweets per day tripled during the event, and a LOT of enthusiasts were created.

Since then, of course, the number of Twitter users and tweets has increased hugely – and quickly. Twitter is now used by about 320 million people, these days, resulting in these sorts of numbers:

On average, around 6,000 tweets per second
About 350,000 tweets per minute
About 500,000,000 tweets per day
About 200,000,000,000 tweets per year


Twitter: one more reason to be on your
phone rather than talking, watching,
People use Twitter especially during big-time events. Disasters, extreme weather, elections, exciting or important soccer or basketball games...keep up with all of that with Twitter!

Here are some things to learn about Twitter – just explore around Twitter, Google the terms, ask a friend, or even tweet a question:

  • How can you find out what is trending on Twitter?
  • How can you use hashtags to connect with the people you want to connect with?
  • What celebrities are fun to follow?
  • How many tweets a day are cool – and not bothersome?
  • What kind of information can you find on Twitter?
  • How can you tweet stuff that others want to retweet?
  • Should you reply to specific people using @?

Also on this date:

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for:
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