on September 22, 2013

writing that is intensely private, writing that is intended to always
stay private, is very different from tweets and other social media
messaging. In a diary, you can pour your heart out, you can get
really real, you can detail an upsetting dream, scribble sky-high
hopes, explore your deepest fears.

are some diary-writing suggestions:
- WikiHow suggests using an ordinary looking notebook like one you would use for school, so nobody will know that it is a diary. Don't tell people you have a diary, and don't write in it in front of them.
- On the other hand, Remembary suggests that you write anywhere, anyhow—even on your phone. There are some good tips here about how to build a daily habit.
- Here
is a Pinterest board with lots of amazing ideas for art journals,
travel journals, Mama and Me journals in which you write letters
back and forth (and which you leave under bed pillows), and even a
Rolodex scrapbook!
a diary or diary-like novel. Here are a few suggestions:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, by Jeff Kinney
Diary of a Worm, by Doreen Cronin and Harry Bliss
Diary of a Wombat, by Jackie French
Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl
Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time, by James Gurney
A Gathering of Days, by Joan Blos
The Princess Diaries, by Meg Cabot
Alice, I Think, by Susan Juby
Catherine, Called Birdy, by Karen Cushman
on this date:
out my Pinterest pages on September
holidays, September
and historical
anniversaries in September.
here are my Pinterest pages on October
holidays, October
and historical
anniversaries in October.