Showing posts with label Billboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billboard. Show all posts

April 4 - Record-breaking Records!

Posted on April 4, 2018

The Billboard Hot 100 really said something about what music was popular, back in 1964. 

Those of us who were alive back then had a LOT fewer ways to listen to music, and especially a lot fewer ways to listen to new, just-released music.

I mean, we could listen to the records that we owned. Or we could go over to friends's houses and listen to their records.
Some of us were lucky enough to have jukebox in a restaurant near us. A few people were able to attend concerts or otherwise enjoy live music.

And then there was the radio.

I feel like there were only two radio stations, back then, in my Southern California town. There was KRLA and KFWB. I'm sure there were others - but not as many as today. And we had no sat radio, no streaming services, no mp3s or CDs or tapes or...

Before 1955, Billboard Magazine kept three charts: one that ranked the biggest selling singles in retail stores, one that ranked the most played songs on U.S. radio stations, and one that ranked the most played songs in jukeboxes. 

For years, loads of radio stations wouldn't play rock and roll songs - but those catchy tunes and danceable beats DID manage to find their way into jukeboxes, and so the latter chart often captured the youth vote.

In 1955, the three charts were unified into one popularity chart - a chart that included all three metrics. And that was the Hot 100.

By 1964, the Hot 100 was dominated by young people - and by rock! As a matter of fact, on this date in 1964, the Hot 100 was dominated by a single band: the Beatles.

The Beatles had the #1 song that week.
And the #2 song. And #3.
And, remarkably, also the #4 song, and the #5 song!!!

Also, older songs were still lingering on the chart, at positions #31, 41, 46, 58, 65, 68, and 79!!!!


Thats never happened before! And it's never going to happen again, right???

Check out the song titles that dominated the Hot 100 that long-ago week:

ALL of those songs except "Thank You, Girl" are songs I still know really well, but I don't think I've ever heard of these two songs that also appeared on the Hot 100 that week:

42. We Love You, Beatles, by the Carefrees
85. A Letter to the Beatles, by the Four Preps

The Beatles were really, really, really,
really, really, really popular!
Those two songs were not by the Beatles, of course, but they were tributes to the Beatles' popularity. And I think that the Beatles deserved every tribute they ever got, they were so fresh and raw and powerful and good!

The very next week, most of the 12 Beatles songs were still on the Hot 100 chart, but of course in different places - and two more Beatles singles entered the chart: There's a Place and Love Me Do. So...for the Beatles, the hits just kept coming!

January 4, 2010

Firsts for the Fourth

On this date in 1885, the first successful appendectomy was performed. Dr. Grant did the surgery in Iowa on patient Mary Gartside.

On this date i
n 1887, the first round-the-world bicycle trip ended.

On this date in 1935, Billboard magazine published its first music chart based on national sales figures. Who topped that first chart? Jazz violinist Joe Venuti, with his song “Stop! Look! Listen!

On this da
y in 1958, the world's first artificial satellite, Russia's Sputnik 1, was also the first to burn up in the Earth's atmosphere as it fell from orbit. The unmanned Sputnik had traveled about 60 million kilometers (or 37 million miles) in its three months in orbit.

Have a personal first today.
Do something you've never done before. Sculpt with clay, cook a meal, visit the beach in winter, take a yoga class...or?


The I's have it in January – the Isaacs, that is.

A mere two days after we celebrated the late, great Isaac Asimov, it's time to celebrate Sir Isaac Newton!

Newton was born on this date in 1643 in England. (Because England was very slow to adopt the Gregorian calendar, compared to the rest of Europe, the date of Newton's birth was recorded as Christmas Day, December 25, 1642.)

Sir Isaa
c Newton became one of the most important and influential scientists of all time—making contributions in physics, mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. He was very religious (and wrote more about the Bible than about science and nature!), but his religious views were unusual.

Newton worked out the “laws” of universal gravitation (we would call this “the theory of gravity” now) and of motion, acceleration, and inertia. He built the first practical reflecting telescope, worked out a theory of color based on the spectrum obtained from passing white light through a prism, and developed the differential and integral calculus (with Gottfried Leibniz).

some physics.
This site is easier
than this one. (On the second site, be sure to check out the animations at Shockwave Physics Studio, about halfway down the page.)

Did you ever hear the story... of the apple that fell on Isaac Newton's head? Read more about it here.