Showing posts with label Clarke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clarke. Show all posts

February 4 - Sri Lanka's Independence Day

 Posted on February 4, 2021

This is an update of my post published on February 4, 2010:

On this day in 1948, the nation of Ceylon became independent of Great Britain.

And in 1972, it changed its name to Sri Lanka.

This is an island nation off the coast of India. It has been called many different names since ancient times. The current name means “honored (or resplendent) island” in Sanskrit. The weather is warm and tropical, and the island is home to elephants, leopards, deer, buffalo, monkeys, and giant monitor lizards over six feet long!

I am not sure I would want to meet this creature even if it were
only one foot long. SIX feet long??? Yikes-y!

Sri Lanka is also, of course, home to people. Unfortunately, there have been problems between the two most populous groups, the Sinhalese and the Tamil. The nation is supposed to be democratic, but there are not enough constitutional guarantees of rights to prevent the majority from "democratically" voting to take away some rights from the minority. In choices about the flag and the official language, for example, the Sinhalese made choices that made the nation seem like a Sinhalese nation-state. There was even talk of making Buddhism the national religion—just because it was the majority religion. Most of the Tamil want their own nation in the northern part of the island, but the government of Sri Lanka has not granted the Tamil independence.

I read that the green stripe represents Muslim Moors; the
orange stripe represents Hindu Tamil; the golden lion and four
bo leaves represent Buddhist Sinhalese. The golden back-
ground for the entire flag represents minority ethnic groups
in Sri Lanka, and the maroon field that covers about 2/3 of
the flag represents minority religions practiced in Sri Lanka.

Who's right, and who's wrong? It's complicated. To some extent, just carving up a nation into smaller nations doesn't necessarily solve all problems. For example, what about Sinahalese people who live in the northern “Tamil” part of the island, and Tamil people who want to live outside of that portion? If the two peoples cannot get along in a single nation, will there be battles and wars between them when they are two nations? Should small countries (or even large ones) let splinter groups break off from the country willy-nilly, any old time? Doesn't making a particular language or religion the “national” language or religion leave out those who don't speak or believe the “right” one? Are the left-out people just being sensitive if they feel like second-class citizens? It's not always easy to answer these kinds of questions.

Sadly, in the case of Sri Lanka, there was a long civil war (from 1983 to 2009), people on both sides did bad things, and people on both sides died. Many of the Tamil left their beloved island home and now live in such places as England and Australia, and an overwhelming majority of the Tamil still living in Sri Lanka feel like they want AND DESERVE their own nation.

Turning away from this sad topic, Sri Lanka has some claims to fame in very positive ways.

The Worl
d's First Female Prime Minister!

In 1960, Sri Lanka's Sirimavo Bandaranaike took office as 
prime minster, the first woman to do so in any nation in the world.

A World-Class Sci-Fi Writer!

From 1956 until his death in 2008, scientist, science writer and science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke lived in Sri Lanka. He moved there because he loved scuba diving, but he remained a “world citizen,” writing about and discussing with others the problems and opportunities that faced the whole Earth.

Arthur C. Clarke is most famous for 2001: A Space Odyssey (the book and the movie) and its sequels, the short story “The Star,” the novel Childhood's End, and the Rama series and computer ga

Animals of Sri Lanka

Wow! Look at a fraction of the amazing wildlife living on Sir Lanka:

The Lakpura Travels website has a short video showing an elephant orphanage.

May 16 – Happy Birthday, Cheryl Clarke!

Posted on May 16, 2020

Born on this date in 1947...

Born and raised in Washington, D.C. The capital city of the United States. The location of a lot of powerful institutions as well as protests about the misuse of power.

Born at the height of the U.S. civil rights movement!

Cheryl Clarke's ancestors were enslaved, and her parents (and maybe Cheryl herself?) experienced first-hand Jim Crow segregation. 

It stands to reason that Clarke grew up with an urge to speak out against racism. To speak up for rights and justice. She was just 16 years old when she attended the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom - and ran into Martin Luther King, Jr.!

Clarke spent a lot of years in higher education. Not only did she receive a B.A., an M.A., an M.S.W. (Masters in Social Work), and a Ph.D. (!), she also became an administrator at Rutgers University. A lesbian, Clarke cared about the needs of LGBT students, and she worked to make the university better (more accessible, more relevant, more responsive) to students of color and to LGBT students. She started an office for social justice education and served as Dean of Students. Even though she retired from her administration career, she maintains a teaching affiliation with Rutgers.

But Clarke is better known for her writing. She is a poet and an essay writer. With her partner, she owns a used and rare bookstore, and with one of her sisters, she runs a Festival of Women Writers. She was part of an editor group for a literary magazine and is part of many community organizations. Awesome life, awesome contributions!

December 16 – Happy Birthday, Arthur C. Clarke

Posted on December 16, 2013

He was a true prophet.

A prophet sees what will happen in the future. Most people who are said to be prophets are either fakes who tell people what they want to hear, for money—you know, you will be rich, you will be famous, you will travel far and live long and yadda yadda yadda—or they are religious folks who say great truths such as we should all be kind to one another. But some prophets are just terribly good at thinking about what technologies might be invented someday, and how such technologies will change the world. And when they write those things down, and 50 years later those things actually happen, everyone says, “He's a prophet!” or “She's a prophet!”

Arthur C. Clarke wrote science fiction and science fact books and stories and articles. He predicted personal computers and the internet.  He thought up an iconic computer (AI) character, HAL, who malfunctions and then takes drastic steps to continue to carry out its programmed directive.  He thought up geo-synchronous communication satellites, which orbit the earth at exactly the right height and speed to remain stationary relative to the earth. (That's how we have cell phones and satellite TV and so forth!)

Clarke wrote about space travel and space mining and a space elevator and a global library and a few things that have happened and a lot of things that haven't happened, yet, but still might.

Here is a video of Clarke making some predictions way back in 1964. Which parts of his predictions are correct, and which might happen someday but haven't yet? 
  • Check out some of Clarke's science fiction. Childhood's End is recommended for teens. 
  • Check out Clarke's three laws:
    1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. 
    2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
    3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
  • Clarke emigrated to Sri Lanka and did a great deal of undersea diving. He loved the ocean! He even did some underwater archeology, uncovering a sunken Koneswaram temple!
  • Check out the alien spacecraft that Clarke visualized in his book Rendezvous with Rama

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Kazakhstan's Independence Day

Margaret Mead's Birthday (scroll down)

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