Today people in the U.S. and Canada often hear people talking about seeing—or not seeing—shadows, because it is Groundhog Day. But we can talk about another kind of shadow as well. When a student job shadows, that student spends time with a worker on a job that the student finds interesting. During this time, the student can observe actual work tasks and learn more about that occupation—the goal being that the student can decide whether or not to further pursue that career path.
rather like “Take Your Daughter/Son to Work Day,” but rather than
going to work with parents, students can go to work with any
relative, friend, or even stranger who does the particular job that
student is interested in.
does shadow
talked about a shadow you can see if it's sunny, and we have talked
about job shadowing to find out more about an interesting
occupation...but what does the word shadow
(or shadows)
mean in these sentences?
- They live under the shadow of terrorism.
- Bettie's dog was her shadow.
- Jax said he was certain beyond a shadow of a doubt.
- It turned out that the spies were dealing with a shadow government.
- The detective will shadow the suspect all day today.
- The ex-president was just a shadow of his former self.
- The evil queen wore far too much eye shadow.
- The White Mountains are in the rain shadow of the Sierra Mountains.
- My dad goes for the five-o-clock-shadow look.
on this date: