is the oldest, longest, and biggest cross-country ski race in the

a lot of cross-country skiers!
event got its start in 1922—but it is held in honor of an event
that occurred in 1520! In that year a 24-year-old nobleman named
Gustav Ericsson Vasa urged the men of Mora to stand with him in
opposition to the Danish king, who was called Christian II. Vasa
wanted to drive Christian II out of Sweden and have a Swedish king
II should not have been surprised that this young nobleman wanted to
throw him out of Sweden. After all, most of the Swedish nobility
opposed the king. So Christian II invited them to come to
reconciliation dinner—in other words, to some peace talks. And then
Christian II surprised his guests by having them all killed!
massacre isn't very Christian, is it?
people who were killed included Vasa's parents. And so he ran and hid
from the king's soldiers, and tried to drum up support from his
fellow countrymen. The men of Mora didn't want to fight against the
king, though. So Vasa went on toward the village of Salen.

story short, Vasa and his Swedish soldiers were able to defeat the
Danish king. Gustav Vasa was crowned the new king! Sweden has been an
independent nation ever since.
celebrate this ski run by King Vasa, people ski the same basic route
between the two towns. But the Swedish people are not the only ones
who show up to participate in this race. Although the winners of the
race for the first three decades were all Swedish, since 1954 there
have been Finnish, Norwegian, German, Austrian, and Swiss winners. A
few other countries have been represented with one win apiece,
including one woman from the U.S. I don't think that there has been a
single Danish winner in the entire history of the race!
on this date: