Showing posts with label rock music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rock music. Show all posts

July 5 - Elvis's First Single!

   Posted on July 5, 2022     

This is an update of my post published on July 5, 2011:

On this day in 1954, Elvis Presley recorded his first single, “That's All Right,” in Sun Studios in Memphis, Tennessee. The song was written and originally performed by Arthur Cruddup; Elvis's version sold around 20,000 copies and reached number 4 on local Memphis charts.

Actually, Elvis wasn't really supposed to record this song at all. He was supposed to be resting between recordings of other songs, but he started fooling around, singing a sped-up version of Cruddup's song. Two musicians who had been playing upright bass and guitar joined in. The three musicians were having so much fun with their impromptu song that the producer, a guy named Sam Phillips, asked them to start again so they could record it. It was produced as a “live” recording, with all the parts performed at once and recorded as a single track; Phillips chose not to add in any percussion or other instruments.

Phillips managed to get the song on the radio just two days later, and Elvis's rise to stardom began...

Celebrate by listening to some Elvis!

You can listen to "That's All Right" here or later tunes, such as Jailhouse Rock or Hound Dog.

March 21 - Moondog Coronation Ball

   Posted on March 21, 2022  

This is an update of my post published on March 21, 2011:

Did you know that the first Rock and Roll concert ended after just one song?

A concert was organized by Alan Freed, the disc jockey who coined the term Rock and Roll, in Cleveland, Ohio. 

The date: March 21, 1952. 

The acts: Paul “Hucklebuck” Williams, the Dominoes, Tiny Grimes and the Rockin' Highlanders, Danny Cobb, and Varetta Dillard.

The problem: about 20,000 tickets were sold, even though there were only about 10,000 seats. This was apparently due to counterfeiting. But the overflow crowd had paid good money to be inside, but they were still outside—and, well, there were a few problems!

Note to self: make concert tickets more difficult to counterfeit!
And charge more than $1.50!!

Like people crashing the closed doors and breaking glass. Like a few fights among upset-and-squashed-together people. Like the cops coming and shutting down the event.

Only one song had been performed by the time it was over!

Of course, since then rock concerts have always gone off without a hitch...(ha!)

Did you know...?

Alan Freed used to call his listeners at WJW Radio “moondogs,” and he would howl into the microphone.

There are Moondog Coronation Ball concerts nowadays, also held in Cleveland—with vintage 50s bands playing, attendees often dressed in 50s styles, and WMJI Radio sponsoring the events. Ticket sales match the number of seats, attendees behave well, and all the performers get to perform.

Learn some more...

If you want to know about the various genres and the history of rock music, check out Rock and Roll Music Journal or Kiddle's article.

Above, Chuck Berry
Below, Jim Morrison of the Doors

Above, Jimi Hendrix
Below, David Bowie

Above, Kurt Cobain of Nirvana
Below, Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons

Wellderly Day

(Third Monday of March)

September 17 - The Doors Defy Ed Sullivan

Posted on September 17, 2021

This is an update of my post published on September 17, 2010:


The Ed Sullivan show was an important and influential variety television show that aired on Sunday evenings for more than 20 years! About every kind of act appeared on the show, and the Ed Sullivan Show was famous for making acts famous (to American mainstream audiences, at least).

Some of the famous appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show were Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and The Doors.

To some observers, at least, an appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show was the hallmark of success. Many acts appeared multiple times...but not The Doors.

On this date in 1967, The Doors were about to go on the air, live, to perform their hit “Light My Fire.” They had been told that they had to change one of the lines, “Girl, we couldn't get much higher,” to “Girl, we couldn't get much better.” The Doors told the producer they would make the change, but Jim Morrison, the lead singer/songwriter, performed the song just as usual, with the word higher.

Jim Morrison

Sullivan was reported to be furious and refused to shake the band members' hands. Instead of booking the band for multiple appearances, as planned, The Doors were never invited back again. However, Morrison and the others were reported to be gleeful—the one appearance gave them a ton of exposure, and the controversy gave them publicity. Morrison was never one to bow down to conventions, anyway.

I have seen several situations in which musicians or bands are asked to change the lyrics for a live performance. In one situation, the lead singer was so mad that he couldn't use a certain 4-letter word, he ranted to the audience about the censorship for minutes and minutes (without saying the banned word) and managed to get the audience to yell the word multiple times.

Alannis Morissette

On a live awards show, Alannis Morissette didn't smoothly change a banned word, but instead left a glaring silence—the accompanying musicians ceased to play for a beat or two, as well, leaving a noticeable silence—where the word had been. Morissette's song was well known, and the context of the lyrics made clear the word that was missing, and in my opinion, the whole thing drew attention to the word—even though the words wasn't uttered at all.

Mick Jagger rolling his eyes

Another example of censorship occurred on the Ed Sullivan Show: The Rolling Stones complied with the lyric changes, singing “let's spend some time together” instead of “let's spend the night together,” but Mick Jagger rolled his eyes every time he sang the changed line, and afterwards the group came out on stage in Nazi uniforms with Swastikas. (Sullivan was furious and never had them back on the show.)

Censorship sometimes calls attention to whatever is being censored. What do you think about this topic?

  • Here is a survey of kids about censorship and who should decide what materials are okay for kids to see and hear.

Also on this date:

 Time's Up Day

(third Friday in September)

Plan ahead: