Showing posts with label Tajikistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tajikistan. Show all posts

February 23 – Tajik National Army Day

Posted on February 23, 2016

Tajikistan used to be a part of
the now-defunct Soviet Union.
This day in Tajikistan harkens back to Red Army Day in the Soviet Union, which celebrated the anniversary of the February, 1918, mass draft of Russians during the Russian Civil War. 

Now the holiday celebrated every February 23 in Russia, Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan is called Defender of the Fatherland Day. 

And in Tajikistan it's Tajik National Army Day (even though it is also celebrated by other military units such as the Air Force).

Tajikistan is a really mountainous nation. Like, really mountainous. As a matter of fact, mountains cover more than 90% of its area. 

(About one-quarter – 25% – of the Earth's land surface is covered in mountains, but people tend to live in the flatter areas where they can grow crops. So 90% is pretty extreme—let alone more than 90%!)

I got to wondering, what is the economy of such a mountainous country based on? It seems that almost half of the economy is based on Tajiks working in Russia, who transfer the money back to their families in Tajikistan. Other important factors in the Tajik economy is the export of aluminum, dried apricots, and cotton.

I hope that, eventually, tourism becomes a huge part of the nation's economy. After all, check out these mountainous landscapes!

To learn more about Tajikistan, check out this slide show and this earlier post.

Also on this date:

Anniversary of the writing of the song “This Land Is Your Land”

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September 9, 2012 - Independence Day in Tajikistan

The Soviet Union was a huge world power when I was growing up. We sometimes called it by its full name (the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics) or USSR, but we commonly called it Russia. Granted, of all the “republics” in the nation, Russia was the largest. But when the USSR broke up, in1991, all of us began to hear all the names of the other “republics” that had been there all along.

Including the “-stans.”

Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan were all once part of the Soviet Union, and they are all primarily Muslim. The suffix “-stan” means “place” in Iranian (also known as Persian). These Central Asian nations are often landlocked and feature either large deserts or mountainous land. Yet they each have their own distinct language, history, customs, and natural beauties.

Tajikistan is one of those landlocked mountainous nations, with rugged mountains covering more than 90% of the nation. The nation suffered from a terrible civil war after declaring independence from the USSR, from 1992 to 1997—and fighting just broke out again this July! That isn't good for tourism!

And that's too bad, because who wouldn't want to see these gorgeous scenes

This video is from the wrong time of year—the springtime—but I love the glimpses of the colorful Tajik culture!

By the way...

  • Afghanistan is near these other “-stans,” and of course is primarily Muslim, but it was never a part of the USSR, although the Soviet Union did support a Marxist Afghani government in a 9-year war that the USSR basically lost. Another Muslim “-stan” that was never part of the Soviet Union is Pakistan.

  • Armenia, which was once part of the USSR, has the native name of Hayastan. It has been long associated with Christianity, rather than Islam.

  • Azerbaijan is a Muslim nation that was once part of the Soviet Union, but its name doesn't end with “-stan.”

  • There are many, many more “-stan”s inside the borders of Russia, Iran, the various “-stan” nations, and nearby nations. For example: Nurestan Province, Afghanistan; Dagestan, Russia; Hindustan, India; Seistan, Iran. Authors have made up fictional “-stans” for books, movies, and video games, including Tyrgyzstan in The State Within and Istan in Guild Wars Nightfall.

Also on this date:

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