(First Saturday in September)
Posted on September 2, 2017
When I think of "fall colors," I think of the brilliant yellows, the infinite shades of gold-to-orange, the deep reds and even purplish blacks of autumn leaves - first on the trees, then spinning and twirling in the air as they fall, and then in heaps and drifts on the ground.
But even in northern Maine, this is too early in September for the leaves to be changing color. We have to wait until mid-September to late October for that!
A lot of Americans think "football" when someone says "fall" - and so fall colors could well be the colors of their favorite team. And a lot of football seasons - from pros to high school and from college to Pop Warner - are starting this week or are already in full swing!
Which brings us to today's holiday. Tailgating is hosting a casual party of sorts from the back of your car or truck, usually in the parking lot of a sports stadium. This can happen before or after the football game - hopefully folks are watching the game DURING the game! - and it can include anything from chilled watermelon and icy cans of soda to freshly grilled hamburgers and barbecued ribs.
It can also include games. What kinds of games can you play in a tailgating party? Cornhole and frisbee come to mind - hey, no hurling metal horseshoes around people's cars! - but it all depends on whether there is a safe space for such play. I guess, if there are lawns available, it could be any of the lawn games, from croquet to ladder golf, from KanJam to giant Jenga.
Tailgating started in the United States. I mean, of course it did - it involves cars, and the U.S. is so-so-so into cars! It may have started at football games, but it has spread to other sporting events and sometimes even concerts.
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