you have had a real “evergreen” tree slowly dying in your living
room for almost a month, as I have, you may have noticed the soft
sounds of needles falling onto your carpet and your tree skirt of
fake snow. Perhaps the people who invented this wacky holiday intend
celebrants to put away the ornaments and lights, carry out the dried
carcass of the former tree, and vacuum.
says family festivities like un-decorating a Christmas tree, unless
it's vacuuming!

was born on this date in 1865 in Bombay, India, when it was under
British rule. His father was a sculptor and pottery designer who was
a professor at an art school there. He only lived in India for the
first five years of his life, however; as was the custom in British
India, he was then sent to England to attend school and board with an
unrelated family. He was alternately bullied and neglected; when his
mother came back to England and collected him and his sister, the
family finally realized (to their horror) that the children had been
mistreated. Eventually, at age 16, Kipling returned to India to work
on a small local newspaper.
has coloring pages from the Disney version of The Jungle Book.
can read The Jungle Book online for free!
you want to go all out, you can check out the Jungle Book-themed
crafts and games at the Disney Family website.
on this date: