Showing posts with label Blue Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Monday. Show all posts

January 5 – “Back to Normal” Monday?

Posted on January 5, 2015

There are several “holidays” that fall on the first Monday of the year (unless that Monday is New Year's Day) – and I interpret them as meaning that people are finally done with their merry-making and celebrating, overeating and entertaining. It's time to get back to normal, apparently, and you can either love it or hate it!

First, today is “Blue Monday.” This seems to be for people who are feeling a bit grumbly about getting back to school or work after having holidays and vacations. Some people worry that they spent too much during Christmas, or that they ate too much rich or sweet food, or that work has been piling up, or that they've forgotten everything they were supposed to have learned in December... 

For the more optimistic among us, today is “Thank God It's Monday Day.” I suppose some people are sick of hearing Christmas Carols or tired from too much partying, and they are soooo glad to be getting back to more structured and predictable working, studying, eating, and sleeping. Also, many people feel hopeful at the beginning of a new year—excited to see what new adventures will come their way.

Also, today is “National Weigh-In Day.” It's time to get rid of the five or so pounds our festivities managed to put on us, and again some people will look at this as a day to dread while others will be motivated by the challenge of eating right and exercising regularly.

More about Monday...

Did you know that Monday is the second day of the week according to traditional Christian, Islamic, and Jewish calendars but the first day of the week according to the International Standard Organization?
The name Monday came from an Old English word that means “moon's day.” Other Germanic languages such as Icelandic, Dutch, and German itself have similar words that have the same origin (such as manudagur, Maandag, and Montag).

Actually, in the “Romance languages,” Monday also goes by a name that links it to the moon. For example, in Spanish it is lunes (and words like lunar come from the same Latin root). In Japanese, Korean, many Indian languages, and Thai, the words for Monday translate to “day of the moon” or something similar.

However, some languages have avoided the pagan association of the day to the moon, and instead name the day with names that translate to “day after Sunday” or “after holiday.” These languages include Serbian, Russian, and Turkish.

Also on this date:

Bean Day

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