Showing posts with label lightning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lightning. Show all posts

January 17 - Happy Birthday, Ben Franklin

 Posted on January 17, 2021

This is an update of my January 17, 2010 post:

He was born 15th 
of 17 kids (!!!). 

He only had two years of formal schooling but became one of the best-educated people of his time. 

He was what's known as a polymath (someone who is good at a lot of things): a printer, scientist, inventor, newspaper publisher, writer, statesman, the first US Postmaster General and (at age 70) U.S. Minister to France...and lots more! 

Some of the things he invented are bifocals, the lightning rod, the Franklin stove, the glass “armonica,” and an odometer.


Benjamin Franklin was born on this day in 1706, and there is a lot to learn about him and much to celebrate.

Like, did you know that Franklin set up the first public library in the Americas? He set up the first fire department in Pennsylvania, too!

There are loa
ds of fun Ben Franklin activities to be found on the internet. Here is one site with interesting stuff to read and do.

Franklin's Legacy

Of course, Americans honor Franklin's memory by having his image on the $100 bill and his name on countless cities, streets, and institutions, but did you know this:

Benjamin Franklin go
t the idea of leaving a small amount of money in a trust fund to gather interest for a long period of time from the French mathematician Charles-Joseph Mathon de la Cour (who used the idea as a plot point in a friendly parody about Franklin). Inspired, Franklin left 1,000 pounds (about $4,400 at the time) each to the cities of Boston (where he was born) and Philadelphia (where he lived most of his life), with the instructions that they gather interest for 200 years before being used to fund public projects of some sort. Franklin's Philadelphia trust had loaned the money to local residents, by and large for mortgage loans, for decades, and when the trust came due, the fund had grown to more than 2 million dollars; city leaders decided to use the money for scholarships for city youth. Boston had used some of the money at the 100-year mark to fund a trade school; later the entire fund, which had grown to almost 5 million dollars, was used to support the institute.

When Ben Franklin died, people in many countries mourne
d him, and about 20,000 people attended his funeral. According to the website Garden of Praise, people visiting his grave throw pennies on his headstone, and every year $6,000 worth of pennies are collected and given in Franklin's honor to charity.

Science and controversy

Franklin did a lot of thinking about, and some experimentation with, electricity and lightning.

He got the idea of trying to draw the lightning out of the clouds to a sharp-ended metal rod that draws the electrical charge harmlessly down into the ground. He proposed his lightning rod, with sharp ends, in 1749. (Between 1750 and 1754, a Czech man named Prokop Divis made an independent invention of a lightning protection device similar to Franklin's.)

Apparently there was a controversy about whether lightning rods should have sharp ends, as suggested by Franklin, or blunt ends. It became a bit of a political issue as King George and other Brits favored blunt-ended lightning rods. Of course, the colonies favored Franklin's design, a move that was reportedly seen by the British as just another way of being disobedient to the crown.

According to Wikipedia, the controversy over sharp or blunt ends is still not completely resolved! Doing controlled exp
eriments with lightning is difficult, but in 2000 Moore, et al, published findings that blunt-tipped lightning rods are marginally better.

Another controversy over the lightning rods was the question of whether or not it was really right to use lightning rods; some people thought that lightning was an instrument of God's judgment. However, since churches tended to be the tallest buildings in any given town, and lightning thus struck churches far more often than, say, saloons, most religious people soon came to favor using the protective device.

It's interesting to note that, although some Christian clergy railed against the new invention, Prokop Divis, European inventor of the lightning rod, was a Catholic priest as well as a scientist.

 music a la Franklin

Benjamin Franklin invente
d a musical instrument based on the wet-finger-on-the-drinking-glass. In Franklin's time, musicians sometimes performed on sets of carefully tuned glasses; Franklin created what he called a “more convenient” arrangement. He first called it a glassychord, but then decided on armonica, based on the word harmony.

Mozart, Beethoven, and hundreds of others composed musical pieces for the instrument, but the invention was largely abandoned when music performances moved to larger and larger venues—and music critics of the time bemoaned the fact that there was no way to make the armonica's sound louder.

Now we have microphones, but there are still only a dozen or so armonica players in the world. 
The 2007 movie Across the Universe featured the song "Girl," written by the Beatles, played on a glass harmonica (yet another name for this instrument!). And I love this version of Canon in D, played on a "glass harp"!

Create your own version of this instrument!

More fun

There are more experiments and some word puzzles about Franklin here.

This bust of Benjamin Franklin, called "Keys to Community" by James Peniston, features the casts of more than 1,000 keys incorporated into several of the surfaces. The keys were collected by the artist from children in the community of Philadelphia.

June 15 - "Aha! Lightning IS Electricity!"

Posted on June 15, 2020

There is this famous story about Benjamin Franklin going out into an electrical storm with a flag and a key - and doing the experiment that proved that lightning is electricity. The traditional date given for this story is June 15, 1752, but on the "On this day in history" and other websites I saw oodles of other nearby dates in June of 1752 associated with this experiment. Apparently we just don't know for sure the exact date.

The thing is, Franklin (whose formal education stopped at age 10) was very interested in electricity and had done lots of experiments. He suspected that lightning was electricity and had devised a plan to test the hypothesis (which is a kind of educated guess). He had already gotten all the materials he would need to safely run his experiment:

This early Leyden jar
had a metal spike that was
in contact with water.
a Leyden jar (which was a devise that could store an electrical charge)

a kite made out of a silk handkerchief

a hemp string, a silk string, and a length of wire

a house key

The wire was a sort of lightning rod that was attached to the top of the kite. The string attached to the kite was made out of hemp, and when it was wet it would conduct electricity easily. The idea was for Franklin to stand in the doorway of a shed, holding a silk string that was attached to the hemp string - the silk string would stay dry and so would not conduct electricity.

Of course, not just the silk string was attached to the hemp kite string, but a metal key was as well.

After readying the apparatus, Franklin waited for a thunderstorm. At his first opportunity, he and his son walked with all the materials into a field where there was a shed.

Franklin's son ran to get the kite aloft, and Franklin waited in the shed's doorway. He waited and waited, but nothing seemed to happen. 

Then Franklin notice that loose threads of the hemp string were standing up - a sure sign of static electricity. 

Remember, Franklin had studied electricity and knew what to look for. After seeing the hemp-string threads getting charged, he moved his finger near the key and felt a small jolt. He waited a bit and then moved his knuckle close to the key and saw a larger electrical spark jump from the key to his knuckle. (Of course, he felt that jolt even more!)

Awesome! Franklin had proved that the lightning we can see in the sky IS the same phenomenon we call electricity. He was able to store a lot of charge in his Leyden jar before he and his son returned home victorious.

Note that the kite-with-a-lightning-rod was picking up electrical charge just by flying high during a lightning storm. If his kite had actually been hit by lightning, Franklin might have been electrocuted! And if he died that day, who knows how that might have changed American history!

By the way, this story seems almost as if it would be "just a story" instead of reality. But it is true. However, some people report on the experiment using incorrect statements such as "Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity" - even though even ancient peoples knew about electricity. Also, some illustrations of the experiment are incorrect. Can you see the problem with each picture? (Answers below.)




(Answers: Picture #1 - hmm, baby angels helped Franklin, instead of his son? Picture #2 - where's the shed? Picture #3 - it looks like lightning struck the kite and kite string in this picture! Yikes! Also, Franklin seems to be holding the same string as the key. The guy's a goner for sure!)