on September 21, 2016
the craziness of politics these days, it's hard to believe that, on
this date in 1981, Sandra Day O'Connor was UNANIMOUSLY approved by
the United States Senate to be a Supreme Court Justice.
I wouldn't have thought that the Senate could be unanimous on
agreeing that oranges are fruits, even! I've become so used to
everything being divisive, no compromise, and precious little
“reaching across the aisle,” I've forgotten that there could be
such a thing as a president nominating a judge to be justice and the
entire Senate coming together to say, “Yes! Good choice! Let's do
that is pretty much what happened when President Ronald Reagan nominated
Reagan had promised to nominate the first female Supreme Court Justice. He chose a woman who had served as a deputy
county attorney, Assistant Attorney General of Arizona, an Arizona
State Senator and Majority Leader, and judge in a county superior
court and the Arizona State Court of Appeals.

am not saying that such votes should be unanimous, always, but I
like the fact that politics did use to be a bit more
two-parties-working-together, back in the day. Because that means
that there is hope it can be that way again!
is a super short timeline of women in the judiciary:
- 1869
– Arabella Mansfield becomes the first licensed female lawyer in
the U.S.
- 1884
– Marilla Ricker becomes the first female U.S. Commissioner
- 1907
– Catherine Waugh McCullock becomes the first female elected to
serve as justice of the peace
- 1914
– Georgia Bullock becomes a “woman judge” in charge of a court
segregated by sex
- 1920
– Florence Allen becomes the first female elected to position of
general jurisdiction court
- 1922
– Florence Allen becomes the first female state appellate judge
- 1928
– Genevieve Rose Cline becomes the first female named to a federal
bench of any sort (a U.S. Customs Court)
- 1933
– Florence Allen becomes the first female federal appellate judge
- 1949
– Burnita Shelton Matthews becomes the first female judge serving
on a federal district court
- 1981 – Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first female U.S. Supreme Court Justice
neat to realize that, although it took 132 years for women to be able
to vote in the U.S. (counting from the first U.S. election in 1788
until 1920, the first election after the Nineteenth Amendment was
ratified), it only took 112 years for women to move from first being allowed to
be a lawyer to becoming a Supreme Court Justice, and only 61 years
from becoming any sort of judge in the U.S. to becoming a Supreme
Court Justice!
Today, women make up about a third of all judges and
justices in the U.S., and about a third of the Supreme Court.
Actually, the Supreme
Court bench was precisely one-third female, not “about a third female,” until Justice Antonin Scalia died in February of 2016. Out of nine spots on the bench (Scalia's spot remains vacant), three are women: Ruth Baden Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor.

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