Posted on February 22, 2018
I sometimes look at the question, "How do we know what's true?" This is one of those days...
As I was looking up February 22 stuff, I saw several items that read, "Native Americans introduce popcorn to the Pilgrims on the First Thanksgiving," or "Quadequina brings a deerskin bag of popcorn to the Pilgrim children," or "Squanto surprises Pilgrims with Thanksgiving treat..."
I'm not sure if you can read the print in this book. But it's basically wrong, wrong, wrong, so maybe you shouldn't bother! |
If it had just been the Quadequina thing, I might have thought, "Oh, how interesting!" - the concept of a Native American whose name I don't recognize introducing a new food during the snowy month of February is surprising but not crazy sounding.
I would probably have wondered, "Did he really bring it especially for the kids?" as I started to check a second source...
And, by the way, I found TONS of sources that made roughly the same claim: that Quadequina brought a deerskin bag of popcorn to the Pilgrims on February 22, 1630.
But I didn't just easily accept the often-repeated story. One reason is that some versions had Quadequina introducing the treat and other versions had Squanto doing the honors. But my skeptical hackles went up especially at the claim that the first popcorn thingie happened during the "first Thanksgiving." I was very skeptical that the first Thanksgiving was in February!
But I didn't just easily accept the often-repeated story. One reason is that some versions had Quadequina introducing the treat and other versions had Squanto doing the honors. But my skeptical hackles went up especially at the claim that the first popcorn thingie happened during the "first Thanksgiving." I was very skeptical that the first Thanksgiving was in February!
(Also, by the way, I've always, always heard that the year of the famous feast was 1621, the year after the English settlers' 1620 landing at Plymouth Rock.
And THAT date is carved in stone, so to speak.)
Don't get me wrong - I know that the term the "first Thanksgiving" is a misnomer, since people in many different regions of the world have been celebrating harvests for centuries and centuries... And I know that the particular harvest feast we harken back to with our stuffed turkeys and pumpkin pies - you know, the one where radical Puritans from England and people of the Wampanoag tribe probably ate turnips and squash and eels and deer and mussels - I know that that three-day feast definitely didn't happen on the fourth Thursday of November (the day of our modern Thanksgiving).
But it couldn't have happened in February!
Plymouth in February. Chilly! |
In temperate regions, harvest festivals happen in the fall. Most crops are planted in the spring, grow all summer, and are ready to pick or reap or dig up in the fall, not late in the winter.
(We aren't sure when the famous feast actually occurred, because the date wasn't recorded. Historians think it was between mid-September and early November. You the fall!)
So...I was really skeptical about the whole popcorn-introduced-on-this-date story. And the more I checked it out, the more muddled I got.
Apparently there is some evidence for indigenous people (aka Native Americans) popping corn long, long ago - even 1,000 years ago, in Peru, and perhaps as long as 5,000 years ago, in Mexico! But the kind of corn that the Wampanoag people (including Squanto) showed the settlers how to grow was flint corn, and it just does not pop!
Massasoit, leader of the Wampanoag. |
Also, there is no evidence that either Squanto or Quadequina (who was the brother of Wampanoag leader Massasoit) ever introduced popcorn to the English settlers, adults or kids.
Instead, there is some evidence of Iroquois popping corn. French explorers wrote about this other Native American group popping tough corn kernels in pottery jars filled with heated sand. So later settlers probably heard about this and may have been shown how to pop corn - or may have figured it out based on descriptions of the Iroquois technique.
Whatever the case, apparently Americans loved popcorn by the mid-1800s, and popcorn really took off as a popular snack after Chicago businessman created a popcorn popper machine in the 1890s. may be wondering where the Quadequina-popcorn-deerskin-bag thing happened. It turns out, in fiction! A woman named Jane G. Austen wrote a book called Standish of Standish and included the incident in this novel. Despite the fact that fiction is defined as made-up, not true, etc. - somehow this story caught on and spread and was added to...
There's all sorts of misinformation, myth, legend, lies, propaganda, tall tales, and never-meant-to-be-believed fiction in the world. You have to be careful when "facts" sound fishy (like the first Thanksgiving being in February), when different sources have different details (like different years, different names, etc.), or when a story sounds just too self-congratulatory, or too nicey-nicey, to be real:
Celebrate the non-fact of today being the anniversary of European settlers in America learning about popcorn... by eating popcorn!!
Also on this date:
which is the week that includes G.
Washington's birthday!)
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