Showing posts with label Siddhartha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siddhartha. Show all posts

January 2 – Bodhi Day

(Dates vary)
Posted on January 2, 2020

This Buddhist holiday commemorates the day that a prince named Siddhartha Gautama sat under the Bodhi tree and achieved enlightenment.

Of course, the enlightened Siddhartha became the Buddha!

Other names for a Bodhi tree is peepal, sacred fig, or Ficus religiosa. I'm not sure the enlightenment had anything to do with the tree, but for sure was aided by Siddhartha's decision to sit for hours in meditation until he found the root of suffering - and how we humans can free ourselves from suffering.

This holiday has a variety of dates, names, and customs, but most commonly it is celebrated on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Japanese people like their holidays to fall on the same date each year, and Bodhi Day (called Rōhatsu) is celebrated in Japan every December 8.

By the way, the name Bodhi has become pretty popular in the U.S. all of a sudden; as you can imagine, it means "awakened" or "enlightenment."