Showing posts with label International Magic Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Magic Week. Show all posts

October 30 – International Magic Week

Posted on October 30, 2013

Usually we think of a week being from Sunday to Saturday, or perhaps Monday through Sunday. 

But International Magic Week just had to include October 31, which is not just Halloween but also the day that famed magician and escape artist Harry Houdini died.  

So this particular week runs from October 25 to October 31 (Friday to Thursday, in 2013).

Enjoy magic!

  • Learn some tricks (or illusions) such as these or these.
A lot of magic is sleight-of-hand. Remember, you need to practice this sort of trick over and over again—in front of a mirror or assistant—to make it truly mystifying. Here are two more tricks

  • Watch “Now You See Me.” This movie is rated PG-13 and may be too mystifying or upsetting for some younger kids, but it is really interesting for older kids and adults.

  • Magicians are really clear about the fact that they are creating illusions or doing tricks. Some people claim that they are really doing magic, or that they have psychic powers—when all they are doing is illusions and tricks. Professional magicians such as the Amazing Randi are very important to debunking these fakes. 

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