Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts

May 16 - A Wagon Train Heads for Oregon

Posted on May 16, 2022

This is an update of my post published on May 16, 2011:

A thousand people with horses, mules, oxen, dogs, possessions piled high in wagons—and they're off!

On this day in 1843, the first large wagon train left Elm Grove, Missouri, bound for Oregon City, Oregon. About 1,000 pioneers made up the wagon train, which traveled about 2,000 miles to their new homes.

Pioneers were told to take enough food for each person for three or four months—25 pounds of bacon per person, 150 pounds of flour per person, 25 pounds of sugar per person, and a lot of other foodstuffs. Of course, bringing along a cow for milk and emergency meat was also recommended!

Check out the packing lists—including food, clothing, medicines, and camping equipment—here.

Apparently the Oregon Trail constantly improved in road quality, ferries, and bridges, so that pioneers traveling just three years after might have a significantly easier passage. Also, it got to be that Oregon Trail travelers could purchase repairs, new supplies, and new teams of animals to pull the wagons (mostly mules and oxen) at various forts and trading posts.

Find out more...

  • If you can find it, the book Moccasin Trail by Eloise Jarvis McGraw depicts a family living during the exciting transition when fur trappers traipsing the Western lands to pioneers settling them. The book is a bit rah!-rah! about the pioneers settling Native American lands, but given the fact that the main character is a white boy whose life was saved by Crow Indians, with whom he lived for years and identified with, it is an interesting book to read and discuss.

  • Here is an interactive map of the Oregon Trail. 
  • Here is the famous game about the Oregon Trail created by thinkquest. 
  • Here are some pages with activities to help you learn about pioneer life!

Also on this date:

Biographers Day

Anniversary of discontinuance of half dime and introduction of nickel

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July 15 – Robin Hood Festival

(Third weekend in July)
Posted on July 15, 2017

In Merrie Olde England, there really is a Nottingham, there really is a Sherwood Forest, and there may even have been a famous archer on whom the Robin Hood story is based...

But today's Robin Hood Festival isn't in Sherwood Forest, in England...It's in Sherwood, Oregon, in the United States!

I'm pretty sure that the people of Sherwood took advantage of the name to lure tourists to their town with promises of entertainment and food, shopping in the Vendor Village, a parade and a knighting ceremony, and of course an archery contest.

Oregon's Robin Hood Festival is as old as I am (pretty darned old!); it was established in 1954. I read that around twenty thousand people attend each year...Wow!

Smart idea for family fun. Check it out:

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February 14 – Statehood Anniversaries for Arizona and Oregon

Posted on February 14, 2016

Both of these states are in the American “West,” but I always associate Arizona with warm, dry weather and deserts, and I associate Oregon with cool, wet weather and forests. Of course, both states are more complex than such simple sketches!

Try to match the state to each item below: (Answers wa-a-a-a-y down at the bottom of this post.)

  1. Which state is #33 in the nation, with a statehood anniversary of this date in 1859?
  2. Which state is #48 in the nation, with a statehood anniversary of this date in 1912?
  3. Which state is bordered by the Colorado River?
  4. Which state is bordered by the Columbia and Snake Rivers?
  5. Which state has Phoenix as its capital and largest city?
  6. Which state has Salem as its capital and Portland as its largest city?
  7. Which state name is associated with a famous trail for American pioneers and settlers?
  8. Which state has about one-fourth of its land dedicated to Indian reservations?

It's great that both of these states celebrate their statehood anniversaries on Valentine's Day, the day that's all about love. Because there is A LOT to love about both of these states!!!

Here are some amazing sights you can enjoy in Arizona:

These first three photos are of the gorgeous slot canyons
in Antelope Valley.

(Above) Beaver Falls, Havasu Creek
(Above) Chiricahua National Monument

The landscapes of the Grand Canyon are many and varied,
as you can see in these three photos.

(Above) This place looks unreal, but I've been there! You can hike to this view,
called Horseshoe Bend, just outside of Page, Arizona!

(Above) Kartchner Caverns are some of the best caves I've ever seen!

(Above) Monument Valley

(Above) Petrified Forest
(Above) Rainbow Bridge

(Above) Saguaro National Park
These two photos (above and below) are of the "Wave" at
the Vermillion Cliffs.

(Above) Blue Canyon

And here are some wonderful beauties you can enjoy in Oregon:

These first three photos are of the amazing Crater Lake National Park.

(Above) Mt. Hood area

(Above) Oneonta Gorge
(Above) Thor's Well

The Columbia River Gorge is famous for its
26 waterfalls!
The one above, Multnomah Falls, is one of the most famous.
These two photos (above and below) are of gardens in Portland.

(Above) Oregon's Pacific Coast is stupendous!

(Above) Ramona Falls

(Above) Sparks
These two photos (above and below) are of Abiqua Falls.

(Above) Tumalo Falls

1. Oregon - 2. Arizona - 3. Arizona - 4. Oregon - 5. Arizona - 6. Oregon - 7. Oregon - 8. Arizona

Also on this date:

Valentine's Day

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