Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

December 6 – Faux Fur Friday

Posted on December 6, 2013

Apparently, the lives of minks raised for their fur are far from fun.

Also, the people at Global Animal claim that, aside from any concerns about animals' misery and death, making and maintaining real fur coats puts a heavier burden on the environment than does making and maintaining fake fur (faux fur) coats. 

Today we are urged to avoid buying and promoting real fur products. And what better way to do that than to have tons of fun with faux fur!

Also on this date:

Plan ahead:

Check out my Pinterest pages on:
And here are my Pinterest boards for:

October 5 – World Card Making Day

Posted on October 5, 2013

Back in the day, people would write letters to one another. They would wish their friends happy birthday, and congratulate them for graduating or having a new baby in the home. They would let their Uncle Joe know that they were thinking about him, and they would wish their Tia Juanita a speedy recovery from surgery.

And some of those letter-writing people would get out scraps of shelf liner or wrapping paper, bits of lace and fabric, scissors and glue, and they would create a greeting card to make their birthday / congratulations / get well wishes more memorable and colorful.

And then somebody, somewhere, during the heyday of the boom of inexpensive printing in the mid-1800s, had the brilliant idea of printing up commercially made greeting cards. “We'll make some money, for sure,” I can just picture them saying to themselves. And so the greeting card industry was born.

These days there are e-cards and texted or social media greetings and well-wishes, which means fewer printed-paper cards, and even the once-popular Christmas card is diminishing in popularity. However, there is something extra satisfying for many people in getting a card in the mail or delivered in-person. Something that they can hold in their hands, display on their wall or mantle or desk, show off to others, keep for future enjoyment.

But—and it's a pretty big but—many greeting cards are now the price of a small gift. Does it make sense to buy a greeting card for $5 to $9? Wouldn't your friend or loved one rather have a slightly better quality paint set, or a slightly bigger toy car—along with a homemade card?

This is a cute sort of card
to make -- get the
instructions here.
Most people appreciate homemade cards more than store-bought cards, anyway. So get creative today, get crafty, and make your own greeting cards.

You might even consider entering this contest. (Hurry – entries must be postmarked October 15!)

Resources for greeting card ideas:

Here is an article explaining just why greeting cards are so darned expensive.

Also on this date:

Plan Ahead:

Check out my Pinterest boards for October holidaysOctober birthdays, and historical anniversaries in October.

And here are my Pinterest boards for November holidaysNovember birthdays, and historical anniversaries in November.