Showing posts with label treasure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treasure. Show all posts

July 7 - Olivier Levasseur Tosses the World a Challenge...a Puzzle...a Code...a Hoax?

Posted on July 7, 2018

He was a quick-witted, action-oriented man...

But he was also a ruthless man who looted and stole almost his whole life.

Olivier Levasseur lived during the very late 1600s and the early 1700s. He was born into a wealthy French family, and for a while he did his stealing in a "legal" way - he was a "privateer" for the French king.

That means he was a pirate - but he didn't steal for himself, for a while there; instead, he stole from ships that were not French, for the benefit of the French crown.

Later he got sick of that, and he became a full-on pirate. He did all his looting and stealing and marooning and killing for personal profit. He earned some pirate names such as La Buse, "The Buzzard."

Levasseur is one of the pirates who started the whole eye-patch thing. Of course, it wasn't a fashion choice; he had been injured across his eye, and the scarring had limited his eyesight. Eventually he became completely blind in one eye and took to wearing the patch.

I mentioned that La Buse was in it for personal profit - and, oh, man! What a lot of profit! His biggest take (and one of the biggest piracy exploits, ever) was capturing the Portuguese galleon Virgem do Cabo and grabbing bars of gold and silver, boxes full of golden Guineas, diamonds and pearls, silks and artworks, and even religious objects like a cross made of gold, inlaid with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, which was so heavy that three men had to carry it onto Levasseur's ship!

That treasure was so big, Levasseur settled down in hiding in the Seychelles. But eventually the pirate was captured (in Madagascar) and taken to Réunion. There, on this date in 1730, he was hung.

All of the islands I mentioned are found in the Indian Ocean,
near the coast of Africa.

But, wait! What about the challenge, puzzle, code, or hoax?

While standing on the scaffold, just before he was killed, Levasseur is supposed to have pulled a necklace off his neck and shouted to the crowd, "Find my treasure, the one who may understand it!" - as he flung the necklace into the crowd!

Whoever grabbed the necklace, whatever fighting may have broken out over the necklace, whatever became of the necklace - all of that seems to be unknown, but what everyone seems to agree on is that the necklace contained a 17-line cryptogram:

This typical code is apparently the
one that La Buse used for his message.

I gather that, once it's decoded, the
message is a bunch of riddles and hints
based on Greek mythology.

As you can imagine, there have been a LOT of treasure seekers who have looked for La Buse's hidden cache. People have dug in the Seychelles, Madagascar, Sainte-Marie Rodrigues, Réunion - but nobody has found it. One rich man dug a giant trench 45 meters wide and 15 meters deep. Another spent thousands of pounds digging for a treasure h never found. Apparently the entire beach of Bel Ombre, on one of the Seychelles' main islands, is pitted with trenches and tunnels and even concrete walls and water pumps to keep sea water out of the excavations!

Many people think that Levasseur may have been hoaxing the crowd with his cryptogram and his challenge - but some people still hold out hope that the treasure still lies buried somewhere.  

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(First Saturday in July)

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February 19 – Shipwreck + Excavated Treasure = Exhibition

Posted on February 19, 2017

An Arabian African port...a Chinese treasure...a resting place near Indonesia!

Way back around the year 830, a dhow (which is an Arabian ship) called the Belitung sailed from Africa to China, but on the return trip -- Well! Something happened! Maybe a storm? Maybe an attack?

At any rate, the Belitung was lost at sea.

In 1998, the ruins of the shipwrecked dhow were found just a mile away from Indonesia, far from the expected route from China back to Africa. 

The discovery was made by fishermen, and Seabed Explorations excavated the shipwreck at the request of the Indonesian government. It took several years to fully excavate the wreck, partly because some time had to be spent to safeguard the site during monsoon season.

The treasures for archeologists include the dhow itself, since was the first Arabian ship to be found and excavated. Arabian ships are generally held together with pegs or nails, but this dhow was constructed out of wooden planks that were sewn together with thin coconut-fiber rope!

This modern ship is a reconstruction of the Belitung dhow.

And then there were the treasures inside the shipwreck: about 60,000 items, including jars, bowls, dishes, inkwells, funeral urns and boxes. It was the largest collection of Tang Dynasty artifacts found in any one location!

(Above) some of the dishes awaiting excavation...
(Below) ancient dishes on display, all cleaned up!

On this date in 2011, the dhow and its Tang treasures went on exhibit for the first time ever. The exhibition was held in Singapore.

Also on this date:

International Tug-of-War Day

February 16, 2012 - King Tut's Burial Chamber is Opened

The pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were buried with amazing statues, coffins, jewelry, and other items—items that are priceless because of their historic and artistic value, as well as because of the gold, semi-precious stones, and other fine materials they are made of.

Archeologists knew of these fabulous tomb treasures because of the writings of the Ancient Egyptians, and the murals on the inside walls of the tombs—but every tomb that had ever been discovered had been plundered of its treasure long, long ago, in ancient times, and so most of the precious items that should have been there were long gone.

Until November of 1922, that is. That is the year when Howard Carter and his team of archeologists opened the first almost-intact pharaoh's tomb ever discovered. The pharaoh, of course, was King Tutankhamun. And on this date in 1923, Carter opened King Tut's Burial Chamber.

Tut's tomb was packed with all manner of things—from garlands of flowers that Carter photographed, but which disintegrated when touched, to the king's granite sarcophagus, which contained three mummiform (mummy-shaped) coffins, including one made of pure gold! Tut's body was buried with fabulous jewelry. There was also a treasury filled with funerary and ritual items such as a statue of Anubis, the jackal-headed god of afterlife, and model boats and chariots.

It took a decade of work for Carter's team to catalog and take everything out of the tomb! The treasury alone stored 2,010 pieces, together worth almost $50 billion, and that doesn't count the golden coffins and that most famous solid-gold funerary mask!

Check out this virtual tour of King Tut's tomb. 

See some of the incredible, precious items found in King Tut's tomb on this website  and in this video

Read more about the discovery of this incredible archeological find. 

Watch some National Geographic videos about King Tut. Here is one – warning, it gets upsetting and gross near the end! 

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