“Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest—
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest—
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!”
this a pirate song courtesy of Walt Disney?

on this date in 1850, Stevenson was a Scottish writer. He became
famous during his life, and at least three of his novels remain well
known: Treasure
of course, and Kidnapped,
and Strange Case
of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
He also wrote beloved poems gathered in A
Child's Garden of Verses.
up in Scotland, Stevenson couldn't help but notice that the family
business was lighthouse engineering and design. His father,
great-grandfather, and uncles were all in the business of designing
and building lighthouses, and his grandfather (also named Robert
Stevenson) was famous for his lighthouse designs.
learned to read late, but even before he learned to read, he'd been
dictating stories to his mother and nurse. Once he learned to write
on his own, he compulsively wrote stories. He was lucky because his
dad was proud of his writing, and supportive. Stevenson's dad had
loved to write, himself, when he
was a kid, but he'd
been told by his father to “give up such nonsense.” Luckily for
the world, Stevenson's dad didn't make the same mistake.
dad even paid for the printing of Stevenson's first publication, when
he was just 16 years old.

RLS today!
- Here is the Robert Louis Stevenson website.
Read RLS, or watch a movie based on one of his books. Or both! It's always fun to read, watch, and compare the two... Here is a sample of one of the film versions of Treasure Island.
- Read A Child's Garden of Verses. These poems are also featured on Lit2Go; you can read them while listening to them being read aloud.
- Garden of Praise has some links for Stevenson's three famous books, including online games, lesson plans, and radio dramatizations.
- Here is a quote fromTreasure Island that I love: “Sir, with no intention to take offense, I deny your right to put words into my mouth.”
on this date: