Showing posts with label dinosaurs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dinosaurs. Show all posts

February 12 - Happy Birthday, Barnum Brown

      Posted on February 12, 2022

This is an update of my post published on February 12, 2011:

Last year I wrote about biologist Charles Darwin and U.S. President Abraham Lincoln - both of whom were hugely important - and both of whom where born on February 12, 1809.

Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln aren't the only folks of note born on February 12. Some other birthdays include:

Christina Ricci – 1980 – actress
Judy Blume – 1938 – author
Bill Russell – 1934 – basketball legend
Anna Pavlova – 1881 – ballerina
Barnum Brown – 1873 – paleontologist

Speaking of Barnum Brown:

Quick, think of a dinosaur species name!

Even more quickly, name a carnivorous dinosaur!

If you are like most people, you probably thought of Tyrannosaurus rex after one or both of those prompts. This giant, fierce-looking meat-eater is one of the most recognizable and iconic dinosaurs and is part of modern popular culture. But you probably didn't know the name of the guy who found the first T-rex skeletons...until now.

Born on this day in 1873, Barnum Brown was named after the circus promoter P.T. Barnum. He grew up to be a paleontologist—a scientist who collects and studies fossils. It was Brown who discovered the first two partial skeletons of Tyrannosaurus rex, although some teeth and fragments had been found earlier. (They were not enough of a specimen to be recognized and named as a separate species.)

At the time of his discoveries, Brown was the assistant curator of the American Museum of Natural History. He found the T- rex fossils in Wyoming (in 1900) and in Montana (in 1902). Tyrannosaurus rex lived all over the western portion of North America about 67 to 65.5 million years ago.

Brown collected many, many more fossils of dinosaurs and other creatures as well. He and his team used a flatboat to float down the Red Deer River in Canada in the middle 1910s, looking for promising-looking fossil sites. I find it funny that another group of fossil hunters, the Sternberg family, tried to outdo them by hunting for fossil sites on the same stretch of river in a rivalry that was apparently friendly!

How do we know what T-rex ate?

Check out the Enchanted Learning website for a lesson on dinosaur diets. 

For more on dinosaurs, try National Geographic for Kids.

September 7 - Happy Birthday, Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden

Posted on September 7, 2021

This is an update of my post published on September 7, 2010:

Born in 1829, the American geologist Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden did pioneering surveying expeditions of the Rocky Mountains in the late 19th century.

In other words, he studied the gorgeous, rugged Rockies!

I've taken several trips through the Rockies, and I love the land—the jagged peaks and glacial tors, the lakes and waterfalls and cascading streams, the elk and deer and moose, and especially the rustling aspens among the stately dark pines.

One omy favorite spots on Earth is Yellowstone, and Hayden not only did an early study of it, he helped convince Congress to set aside that land as a National Park.

Yeah, Hayden!

Hayden is acknowledged as having made the first discovery of dinosaur remains in North America. He found some isolated teeth during an exploration of the upper Missouri River. I don't know if he actually identified the teeth as belonging to dinosaurs. Later, many dinosaur skeletons were found in the West, and a couple of Great Dinosaur Rushes occurred as paleontologists rushed to be the best or to find the most.

But Hayden was first.

Celebrate Hayden!

  • Geysers are rare in the world—but not at Yellowstone! More than half of the entire world's geysers are in that one national park!

Learn about geysers using Alka-Seltzer and liquid soap or Diet Coke and Mentos.


(It's important to use Diet Coke, because the regular stuff is really sticky. Actually, it's important to do geyser experiments outside in a place that doesn't mind a gushing mess!)

  • It's fun to check out where different dinosaur fossils have been found. But remember that dinosaurs-in-general lived for about 165 MILLION years - more than 800 times longer than humans have been around!

  • Here is a gallery with illustrations of many different types of dinosaurs. Explore!


February 3 - Happy Birthday, Gideon Mantell

 Posted on February 3, 2021

This is an update of my post published February 3, 2010:

The son of a shoemaker, Gideon Mantell was born in the United Kingdom in 1790. He became a doctor, geologist and paleontologist, and he is most famous for his discovery and study of dinosaur fossils.

Mantell and his wife often walked together, and on one such walk one of them (many say it was his wife Mary Ann) found some large fossilized teeth. 

Mantell was already very knowledgeable about fossils (and had just written a book on the topic), but these teeth were hard to identify. He showed them to various scientists, most of whom assured him that they belonged to fish or to a rhinoceros or other mammal. Mantell finally realized that they resembled iguana teeth—but were about 20 times larger!

Mantell had to work hard to convince others that the teeth had come from the Mesozoic era and from a reptile-like creature. When he was finally proved to be correct, he got to name the new creature; he named it Iguanodon (or "iguana tooth"). Mantell's find was possibly the first dinosaur fossils t
o be found and certainly the second dinosaur to be studied and named.

Mantell's life was far from easy. He concentrated so much on fossil hunting and the scientific study of his fossils that his medical practice failed. This left him in a state of poverty. The town council transformed his home into a museum, which helped him with his financial situation—but he let so many people into the museum for free, that scheme failed as well.

Mantell's ideas about dinosaurs w
ere alternately rejected and adopted by other scientists—but even when his ideas found favor, Mantell wasn't always given the credit he deserved. (Apparently a brilliant creationist / scientist with an unpleasant personality, Sir Richard Owen, was especially guilty of both publicly dismissing Mantell's ideas - at times - AND of stealing his ideas - at other times! Owen's the guy who coined the word dinosaur.)

Eventually Mantell was left pretty much alone in the world; his wife divorced him, his daughter died, and his son went to New Zealand. Then he had a terrible carriage accident and lived the rest of his life crippled and in pain. Still, he continued to work with fossils, studying them and publishing scientific books and papers, until his death.

Today we acknowledge tha
t Mantell made great contributions to paleontology. At the time of his death, he had discovered four of the five genera of dinosaurs then known, and a monument to Mantell now sits on the spot where he and his wife first found the teeth of Iguanodon.

From Bones to Flesh:
Envisioning Dinosaurs

One of the difficulties that faced paleontologists in the early studies of dinosaurs was trying to make sense of rather incomplete skeletons. Mantell made a famous mistake when putting together an Iguanodon skeleton. This large plant eater had large thumb spikes that may have been used to dig up roots, or may have been a defensive weapon. But Mantell assumed the fossilized spike he found was a horn and placed it on the Iguanodon's nose.

Mantell wasn't the only scientist who got Iguanodon wrong. Sir Richard Owens was busily publicizing dinosaurs - including the heavy, 4-legged "Iggy the Iguanodon" pictured here:

Owens was even working with a sculpture to create huge figures for the Crystal Palace (the photo above is the restored Crystal Palace sculpture). Late in his life, Gideon Mantell realized that Iguanodon had relatively slender arms and couldn't be anything like Owens's Iggy. However, Mantell died before he was able to convince others of the revised body plan. And so it was Owen's incorrect vision of Iguanodon that was immortalized in the sculptures and that became known to the public.

There once was a banquet for twenty people inside the sculpture of the standing Iguanodon, while it was only part-way done. This banquet is show above.

Above is a picture of the sculptor's workshop as he worked on the dinosaur figures. The sculptor's name was Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins.

We now have evidence that indicates that Iguanodon generally stood on just two legs, although the “arms” and “hands” were built to bear weight some of the time. (Think of a chimp, which sometimes moves on two legs, sometimes moves on all fours, but definitely uses its arms and hands differently than four-legged creatures like elephants or horses.)

For decades and decades, experts considered dinosaur
tails to be useless hunks of bone and flesh the dinosaur
mostly just dragged around (seen here on the left).
Now, modern paleontologists have evidence that 
dinosaurs - for the most part, at least - carried their
tails held high, as seen on the right.

Draw an Iguanodon.

There are step-by-step instructions -- and also coloring pages about all sorts of dinosaurs -- at this HelloKids site.

Also, there are many different dinosaurs pictured in Classroom Clip Art.

Notice the different colors of the dinosaurs. Some illustrators color dinosaurs in realistic ways, and some use cartoon-y colors. Think about how we know about dinosaurs (almost entirely from fossilized bones, eggs, and footprints). Do we have any idea what color various dinos were? How do you think the artists came up with the colors they chose? Do you suppose there were pink-and-purple dinosaurs? Why or why not?

Draw and color your own versions of the dinosaurs. You can use realistic colors or go crazy with colors that no dinosaur would have been been caught dead in!

Take a Dinosaur Quiz at the National Geographic Science site.

Explore the Kids Dinos website.

Make a dinosaur egg piñata.

Use paper maché to cover a large inflated balloon, leaving an area around the balloon tie large enough to fill the piñata with candies and small plastic dinosaurs. After the paper mache is dry, pop the balloon, pull it out of the hole, and fill the egg piñata. Next, cut a circle of cardboard, punch a hole in the circle, and thread one end of your rope through the hole. Tie a knot so that the rope stays attached to the circle, and secure with masking tape. Put the cardboard/rope apparatus into the hole in the piñata so that the long end of the rope emerges out of the top of the piñata, and tape the cardboard into place. You can add another layer of paper maché so that the top is more secure, if you have the time. Let it dry again. Finally, paint the egg in good camouflage colors, perhaps using a sponge to dab speckles of one color onto another color.

There are instructions on making paper maché on the DLTK website.

Also on this date:

Plan ahead: