the Fourth be with you!
all things Star Wars today—pump up your midi-chlorian count by
watching a Star Wars movie or parody, reading a Star Wars book, or
playing a Star Wars game. (Note: If you don't know what
midi-chlorians are, check out the entry in Wookieepedia.)
are some Star Wars things I like—check them out!
Weird Al Yankovic's “The Saga Begins.”
- Star Wars Spoofs are super-short animated movies. Just click various parts of the picture to see them, and after you've seen 'em all, be sure to check out the car stickers, the Behind-the-Scenes feature (found under “Spoof Extras”), and the games!
- The official Star Wars website has tons of stuff to read and explore, puzzles to do, games to play, and more!
The Star Wars Lego site.
- Hello Kids Star Wars coloring pages.
the way, I read that some people are calling the day Intergalactic
Star Wars Day!I guess I just hadn't consulted my galactic sources.
How very provincial of me!)
the way, again, today is also Space Day. Which works very well with Star Wars, thank you very much!)
I love this clever license plate and mailbox!
on this date: