course, all of us can do more than one thing at a time. We can
simultaneously chew gum and walk, for example. At the same time,
we're undoubtedly breathing and quite likely talking to someone next
to us or on our cell phone. And we are subconsciously looking for
dangers—perhaps checking the sidewalk ahead of us for debris, or
scouting for traffic, or surveying the other animals (for most of us,
that means the other humans) around us. So we are doing at least five
things at once!
multi-tasking implies two or more jobs that require conscious focus.
In our example above, we are only focused on our conversation with
another person. Walking, chewing, and breathing are pretty automatic.
As I mentioned already, the constant survey of an outdoor
environment, looking for dangers, is also usually done at a
subconscious level.

multi-tasking doesn't work, why do so many people think that it does?
got the idea of multi-tasking—and the word—from computer science.
Single core computers, like people, can only do one thing at a time.
But computers seem to do multiple things at once because they are
able to switch very rapidly between multiple tasks. (Computers can
toggle between tasks many times a second.) Unlike humans, computers
can switch from task to task without requiring time to
pause-and-refocus, and they can do so without making errors.
suspect that people tell themselves that they are good at
multi-tasking because they want to do a fun activity instead of a
boring one...so they try to do both at once.
studies show that young people, in particular, often try to have more
than one “input” at a time. When they are watching TV, reading,
or listening to music, they are ALSO often surfing the web, texting,
checking status updates, or playing a game. Experts call this
“continuous partial attention,” and they point out that, in an
effort not to miss stuff, teens are only able to to pay a shallow
amount of attention to anything.
could argue that they miss most everything!

there is something you have to do—something boring or hard,
perhaps—dive in and do it with your full, concentrated effort. It
will probably be done and out of your hair much quicker than it would
be if you multi-tasked while doing it. And you are much more likely
to do a good job, and not have to redo it!
you can then do the fun thing you'd really wanted to do. Without
you are doing, really do it. Just that one thing.
on this date: