Showing posts with label El Grito de Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label El Grito de Mexico. Show all posts

September 16 - Independence Day in Mexico

Posted on September 16, 2021

This is an update of my post published on September 16, 2010:

Often called El Grito de México16 de Septiembre is one of the most important of Mexico's holidays. This year is extra-special as Mexico celebrates 200 years of actually being independent of Spain. 

(But we considered September 16, 2010, the Bicentennial of Mexico, counting from the declaration of independence rather than true independence.)

El Grito means “the cry.” On September 16, 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo rang the bell of his church and, along with a few co-conspirators, called on his countrymen to fight against the Spaniards for liberty. This ended up being Mexico's Declaration of Independence, although the first major battle between Mexican nationalists and Spain didn't occur for four days, and full independence wasn't won until 1821. 

Just as the U. S. celebrates its birthday on the day that Thomas Jefferson and others DECLARED independence (even though independence wasn't truly won for seven years), Mexico celebrates its birthday with Father Hidalgo's Grito.

The day is celebrated, in part, by the President of Mexico ringing the actual bell that Father Hidalgo rang so long ago, and then making a “cry of patriotism” based on Hidalgo's Grito. The crowd answers in a roar, “¡Viva México!” and fireworks and rockets burst forth.

Check out this worksheet and coloring page

Here is some explanation about the colors of the Mexican flag, which will help with the coloring page.