Showing posts with label dark energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dark energy. Show all posts

October 31 - Dark Matter Day

Posted October 31, 2020

Tonight is all about Halloween - all manner of fun and tricks and treats in the dark - although the costumes and festivities have over the decades spilled into daytime fun, too - and one might argue all month long!

But today is also the day to celebrate the search for dark matter!

Dark matter is nothing to do with "dark magic" or "dark arts" or anything Halloween-y. Instead, it's a topic astronomers and cosmologists are researching. You probably know that the universe is full of stars and planets, asteroids and comets, galaxies and nebulae - but most of the stuff in the universe is not all those familiar things (which we call ordinary matter). Instead, scientists believe that ordinary matter makes up only about 5 percent (around one-twentieth) of the total mass and energy of the universe. 

So that means that we cannot see most - the other 95% - of the universe!

According to current theories, dark matter makes up around 27 percent of the universe (more than a fourth), and dark energy makes up MOST of the universe (68 percent - more than two-thirds)!

How do we come up with these ideas about dark matter and dark energy, if we can't see them or measure them? Well, we see the effects of dark matter's gravity, and we see the effects of dark energy in the acceleration of the galaxies' movement away from one another. 

Of course, further research, more evidence gathering, and new,
testable ideas about physics will give us a clearer picture and maybe revolutionize our current the same way that relativity and quantum physics have revolutionized physics in modern times.

So...happy Dark Matter Day!

Also on this date:

Halloween (All Hallows' Eve)

Reformation Day in Switzerland

(Saturday nearest to Halloween)

May 27, 2013 - Happy Birthday, Lawrence M. Krauss

You gotta love a physicist who writes and speaks about the physics of Star Trek! Krauss has studied and written about lots of other topics, as well, of course. Cosmology, the fear of physics, dark matter and dark energy, string theory, and why there is something rather than nothing—these are some of the subjects Krauss spends his time studying and discussing.

I got to hear one of Krauss's public lectures several years ago. He is energetic and fun to listen to—and I always think the sort of Big Questions that he investigates are fascinating!

Check out some of Krauss's ideas about the technologies found on Star Trek.

Here is a documentary about the Big Bang

Want to know more about dark matter and dark energy? Check out the National Geographic explanation or the NASA explanation.

Here is a 4-minute video that touches on a few central ideas of cosmology. 

Did you know that there is a website devoted to the Big Questions Online

Plan Ahead...

Check out my Pinterest boards of June holidayshistorical anniversaries in June, and June birthdays.

Also on this date:

Memorial Day in the USA