Showing posts with label International Dot Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Dot Day. Show all posts

September 15, 2012 - International Dot Day

Hmm...dots? What is Dot Day all about?

Would you have guessed it's a day to encourage creativity?

A day to celebrate those who think “outside the box”?

A day for all of us to encourage each other to “make their mark” in new and exciting ways?

Well, according to the International Dot Day website, that's exactly what Dot Day is all about! 

It all starts with the book The Dot, by Peter H. Reynolds. A huge percentage of reviewers on Amazon loved this book, which is about a frustrated child who claims she “can't” draw but is coaxed into a voyage of discovery of her own creativity by an art teacher.

If you have access to this book, read it! You might also take a peek at books such as Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, by Betty Edwards, and Drawing with Children, by Mona Brookes. 

Of course, creativity isn't just art! Here are some creativity-boosting games

Do some creative writing! Improvise on the piano, or write a song for the guitar. Create an original dance or skit or board game. Be creative, and think up something great to do to celebrate your creativity!

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