organization Working Like Dogs informs us that there are many local
events to celebrate Assistance Dog Week from today to August 11, to
honor the dogs themselves plus the raisers and trainers who insure
that the dogs are such great helpers! Some events may focus on heroic
deeds performed by individual assistance dogs, and other events may
try to raise awareness of the the role assistance dogs can play in
our communities. To find local events or to download materials to
help promote events, check out the Working Like Dogs website.
dogs assist the blind and the visually impaired.
dogs help the deaf and the hard of hearing.
service dogs are trained to help people with a variety of
disabilities. For example, some dogs alert people to seizures or
other medical problems, pick up objects, open and close doors,
operate light switches, or even pull wheelchairs. Some service dogs
are able to help patients relearn to walk, keep their balance, and
get up from a fall.
remarkable what seizure response dogs can do: summon help by
activating a medical alert or pre-programmed phone, pull dangerous
objects away from the seizing patient's body, block the seizing
patient from obstacles or streets, rouse the unconscious patient
after a seizure, and carry information, medication, and oxygen. It
takes a really special dog to be able to serve in this position!
response dogs can be trained to sense (and I'm guessing this means
“smell”) when a diabetic patient's blood sugar is too low or too
high, and they often bring medications or the telephone when needed.
might want to donate to Paws with a Cause or another organization
dedicated to getting service dogs into the hands of people that need
out some videos about assistance dogs here, and here, and here.
is a video about a seeing-eye dog, and here is a video about a
hearing dog.
on this date: