Showing posts with label sustainable living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sustainable living. Show all posts

June 18 - Sustainable Gastronomy Day

Posted on June 18, 2020

Buy from small, local suppliers.

Buy from small farmers who use sustainable farming techniques.

Cook fresh rather than buying processed food.

Buy foods in season. 

Up-cycle food.

Use recyclable packaging.

Eat leftovers! Don't produce large amounts of food waste.

These are some of the basics of eating sustainably. 

If you plan meals ahead, you can avoid food waste AND save money.

Remember, you don't have to change everything about how and what you eat right away, and you don't have to be perfect. Slowly chip away at these goals, eating better and better and better. 

Nobody's perfect! Forgive yourself if you need occasional junk food. No biggie if you do take-out once in a while - although it might make sense to look for a take-out restaurant that buys and cooks sustainably. (Check out Too Good To Go.) You may have good health or other reasons that require you to order some specialized food items from far away. 

Do what you can, and if EVERYBODY tries to do what they can, too, what a difference it would make!

Also, consider donating to a sustainable-farming organization. Check out this article.

May 7 – Dandelion Day

Posted on May 7, 2016

If you are wondering “Why dandelions?” – the official website has a great explanation.

In an effort to have perfect grass with no dandelions, many landscape gardeners spray herbicides on the lawn. Although I have read that proper use of herbicides is safe for animals and people and even insects, many people worry that herbicides are used too often and/or improperly.

And if there is a breeze, the spray can blow to unintended places.

It figures that herbicides sprayed at parks and playgrounds probably end up on the feet of, and perhaps in the bodies of, dogs and kids.

A group of people in the town of Carbondale, Colorado, lobbied to end the use of herbicides in their parks and playgrounds. And their efforts paid off! No more herbicides in public lands...and that means more dandelions!

Then the town had a vote – and the people of Carbondale decided to adopt the dandelion as their official Town Flower!

While celebrating dandelions on Dandelion Day, the townspeople also use the day to discuss new efforts to “being green,” living sustainably, and helping the environment heal from human actions. There are booths with information on clean energy and environmentally friendly products, and there is a parade, crafts for kids, and all manner of springtime frolicking. 

 Dandelions are pretty!

Also on this date:

Martin Z. Mullusk Day

Anniversary of the recovery of the painting The Scream 

Brahms's birthday

Tchaikovsky's birthday

Anniversary of the world premiere of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

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November 10 – World Science Day for Peace and Development

Posted on November 10, 2015

Science is one of the best tools we have for making life better.

Unfortunately, humanity has used many scientific discoveries and technological inventions in ways that have made the environment worse and the world less safe. Thousands of nuclear bombs sitting around... Oil spills... Burning fossil fuels creating smog and global climate change... These are just a very few on the highlight reel of humankind's negative impact on the world.

Some people look at these grim results of science and technology and wring their hands about science itself. They blame inventions and technology rather than overpopulation, the drive to dominate land and resources, and profit-driven short-term thinking.

The cure for bad use of science isn't wringing hands and bemoaning's better, more mature use of science, and it's even more science.

The United Nations created this day to urge people to use science on behalf of peace and to come up with innovative technologies to make a sustainable future!

Here are a few resources for you to enjoy the day:

  • A Dartmouth website gives us a simple list of ideas to living a more sustainable life. (You will have to generalize some of it – since we are not all Dartmouth students!) 
  • This 12-Step list goes into more details about each suggestion for living sustainably.
  • Tree Hugger gives ideas for packing lunches sustainably. 

Also on this date:

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