Posted on January 11, 2020
Today is the Anniversary of the Independence Manifesto in Morocco. On this national holiday schools and most businesses are closed - and because this year January 11 falls on a Saturday, some people are probably given a three-day weekend! The manifesto or declaration of independence occurred on this date in 1944 - but full independence was only achieved in 1957.
Today used to be Republic Day in Albania. This holiday was also known as Anniversary Day, and it commemorated the founding of the Communist government in Albania, on this date in 1946. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Albanians revolted against their communist government, especially against their "leader," Enver Hoxha. A new, more democratic Republic of Albania arose from that rebellion, and January 11 is no longer celebrated there.
Finally, today is the birthday of the first Prime Minister of Canada, John A. Macdonald. Macdonald was born on this date in 1815, in Scotland; his family immigrated to Canada when he was just a child. Macdonald became a lawyer and then a legislator in Canada when it was still a British colony - and he became a leading figure in the discussions that led to a fully independent nation. Although his many years in the legislature and 19 years as Prime Minister were not free from scandal nor controversy, most historians rank Macdonald high - one of the most capable and influential Prime Ministers in Canada's history.
So, now that you know a bit about commemorative holidays in three different countries, on three different continents, can you pick out which map, flag, landscape, and famous destination goes with which nation?
1. Which map shows Morocco, which shows Albania, and which shows Canada?
A |
B |
C |
2. Which flag is Morocco's, which is Albania's, and which is Canada's?
A |
B |
C |
3. Which landscape can be found in Morocco, which in Albania, and which in Canada?
A |
B |
C |
4. Which famous destination is located in Morocco, which in Albania, and which in Canada?
A |
B |
C |
Answers: 1. A - Albania; B - Morocco; C - Canada... 2. A - Albania; B - Canada; C - Morocco... 3. A - Canada; B - Albania; C - Morocco... 4. A - Canada; B - Morocco; C - Albania.
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