on March 12, 2016
celebrates trees and forests on the anniversary of national hero Dr.
Sun Yat Sen, who urged his nation to foster a lumber industry...
...and to
replant forests so that the industry would always be strong.
Day originally started in the United States, in Nebraska, in 1872. It
has caught on all over the world, although Taiwan (the Republic of
China) didn't start celebrating Arbor Day until 1927, and mainland
China (the People's Republic of China) waited until 1981 to begin
celebrating the day.
Chinese government urged every citizen capable of doing physical
labor to plant at least two or three trees each and every year.
Creating a holiday during which people can fulfill this obligation
was a really good idea. Most Chinese citizens plant trees in their
own home gardens or by roadsides. Some people join in with non-profit
organizations that do massive tree planting programs.
has really struggled with air pollution, as these photos show:
When I meet neighbors who came to California from China, I often see them wearing face masks as is so commonly seen in photos of Chia...even though we have little visible smog where I live! |
Trees are able to create
better air quality by:
- Reducing the temperature – Shady trees keep our cities cooler, and cooler temperatures help prevent inversion layers that keep smog in place. Buildings that stay cooler in the summer don't need to use as much energy for air conditioning – another “win” for the environment. Also, some pollutants depend on warmer environments.
- Removing air pollutants by absorbing them through the tiny pores on a leaf's surface, or, sometimes, by trapping particles on the rough surface of the tree's bark. Unfortunately, this air-pollution-absorption is only a temporary solution, since many of the pollutants will be released back into the environment as the bark or tree burns, dies, or is attacked by beetles or other pests.
- Actually, trees can increase air pollution in complex ways, by releasing Volatile Organic Compounds such as isoprene. But VOC emissions depend on temperatures, and as we said, trees tend to lower temperatures, so having more tree cover usually lowers overall VOC emissions. Also, different species vary in how much VOCs they emit.
A hybrid tree called the MegaFlora is being touted as a solution to
some of the complexities above. This hybrid can be grown in the
worst, most depleted and even polluted soil. This tree takes only
about one-eighth of the water that it takes to grown corn, and yet it
grows really, really quickly – about 60 feet in just three years.
While it is growing, the MegaFlora tree helps clean air, soil, and
water. Most impressive of all is that it can assist in the production
of natural gas!
trees can be “gasified” – burned up in a super-hot chamber that
has no oxygen. This no-oxygen incineration changes the tree to a gas
called syngas, which in turn is converted into a liquid
get this – 99% of the MegaFlora tree is converted to energy! The
one percent residue that is left behind is either sand or glass sand.
Because it is gasified in a closed chamber, the pollutants that the
tree has absorbed all through its life are burned up, too, rather
than released back into the atmosphere. And I presume (but couldn't
confirm) that the tree was specially bred not to churn out too many
China has a huge air pollution problem. And MegaFlora trees can help
provide energy while cleaning up air pollution. I read that China is
jumping onto the MegaFlora bandwagon, having ordered more than two
billion of these special hybrid trees!
get planting!
on this date:
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